Recent content by Ash

  1. Ash

    Summer Festival Team Registrations

    Sort me!
  2. Ash

    Christmas event step by step guide

    your quest might be glitched, type ;;chase in the chat to see if it works
  3. Ash

    Christmas event step by step guide

    You need to exit the boulder area and speak to the fighter guy(genos who you got the quest from) who stands right next to it and he will reset the boulders
  4. Ash

    Christmas event step by step guide

    once you are inside the cave go to the top by the mushroom interact with the box using the key given to you by genos and you will receive a pair of gloves now go back down the cave and smash this rock (necessary to be mining level 2) next you will need to use the gloves to move these...
  5. Ash

    Christmas event step by step guide

    while inside the same house, speak with this fisherman to obtain the fifth quest which is to save his fishing holes from delibirds raiding them now we see more bird prints and find our last delibird. interact with the bird and then try to pass the police man. he will stop you and this will...
  6. Ash

    Christmas event step by step guide

    Gonna make a quick guide for this event for anyone who wants it! find the tavern (the building with the chimney) talk to the bartender once you are inside and he will give you the first quest that allows you to obtain the other quests then find the house shown below. the bird claw prints in...
  7. Ash

    Rare user check

    spoiler alert for one piece fans lmaoo
  8. Ash

    at least tree fitty

    at least tree fitty
  9. Ash

    Rare user check

  10. Ash

    Hey there

    Hello everyone! Congrats to everyone who got the username they wanted. Let's all wait for the official release together!