Recent content by Bingjiaokong

  1. Bingjiaokong

    Hello 👋

    Welcome bro! Next Demo is soon!
  2. Bingjiaokong


    有啊有啊,这怎么能没有 贴吧:PokeForce吧 Q群:437161076
  3. Bingjiaokong

    May I ask when the next test will be? Do the participants have limited fashion in the open test?

    April 29th, 2025 - The next PokéForce Demo You can check it on Discord Channel. I think there are no more limit in this test.
  4. Bingjiaokong

    Suggestion about gameplay speed.

    Oh, got it. For this part, I think so.
  5. Bingjiaokong

    hi all

    Welcome mehmet! Btw, are you the same one in Pokeone?
  6. Bingjiaokong

    ANNOUNCEMENT Dev Diary #3 - Polish

    Looks much better than last time! Regarding the UI for the Pokemon, I was thinking it might be good to use a dynamic 2D style, similar to Black/White. I'm not certain if this would be compatible with the game's current engine or if it would significantly increase costs (it seems Gen6/7 Pokemon...
  7. Bingjiaokong

    Daily Attendance/每日签到

    19,我也跟你水一贴 就差这一贴就50了
  8. Bingjiaokong


    I think it depends on how you define "legendary." Take Zapdos, Suicune, Mew, Heatran, etc.—they are indeed goodl, but in both PvP and PvE, they don’t have a significant advantage over regular Pokémon. We can make them harder to obtain, but they shouldn’t be not obtainable.
  9. Bingjiaokong

    Suggestions about Battle Engine

    Hi, PokeForce Develop team, I would like to offer two suggestions as a player who has used most Pokemon battle platforms(pbo, po, ps). 1. The information displayed in battle Please consider showing stat changes(E.g., ATK +1), field effects(E.g., Spikes, Trick Room, Weather, Screen), and...
  10. Bingjiaokong

    Suggestion about gameplay speed.

    I think it will be difficult, mainly due to the length of the game. The acceleration of animations speed will greatly shorten the time consumption of up level/recharging Evs.
  11. Bingjiaokong


    Join in the offcial discord channel and wait next demo test
  12. Bingjiaokong

    My future!

    Welcome bro!
  13. Bingjiaokong


    Hi bro, welcome! Don't forget join in the discord
  14. Bingjiaokong

    justnothing here

    Hi bro, welcome!
  15. Bingjiaokong

    Hello everyone
