Recent content by Bugsy

  1. Bugsy

    By the way, one of them could be a spoiler, since it was mentioned in the leak that shall not be...

    By the way, one of them could be a spoiler, since it was mentioned in the leak that shall not be named, but.. We don't know until it's getting near release. Additionally, for the fellow Bug-Catchers reading, 7 bugs have been confirmed, and an additional 5 are very likely to be ingame, with...
  2. Bugsy

    This is purely speculative, but I have confirmed up to 230 Pokémon in the upcoming Legends: Z-A...

    This is purely speculative, but I have confirmed up to 230 Pokémon in the upcoming Legends: Z-A! About 126 of them have been shown in previous trailers and the Extended Look video, the rest are the ones from the Kalosian Dex, and the ones from lines with Mega Evolutions.
  3. Bugsy

    I can't believe it. There's an actual demo release date! After all these months! Maybe NOW I can...

    I can't believe it. There's an actual demo release date! After all these months! Maybe NOW I can bug through catching Bug-Type Pokémon and battling WITH bugs! Hopefully there aren't any, you know, coding bugs..
  4. Bugsy

    i meant to write this later but dear arceus the starter selection for z-a is abyssmal also WOOO...

    i meant to write this later but dear arceus the starter selection for z-a is abyssmal also WOOO NEW COMPETITIVE SPIN-OFF
  5. Bugsy


  6. Bugsy

    Counting to 1000

  7. Bugsy

    In all seriousness, I really should've just braved through my performance issues during the...

    In all seriousness, I really should've just braved through my performance issues during the Summer Demo back in October.. Those shadows were surprisingly resource heavy, now that I think about it.
  8. Bugsy

    OH GOD I WOKE UP 5 MONTHS LATE Did I miss any summer event?

    OH GOD I WOKE UP 5 MONTHS LATE Did I miss any summer event?
  9. Bugsy

    Summer Festival Team Registrations

    Assimilate me into this seasonal competition, please.
  10. Bugsy

    Counting to 1000

  11. Bugsy

    Pokemon Eatery

    As much as that Bug-Type Pokémon are my babies, I can't deny seeing Grubbin as an amazing meal. Beetle larva in the real world are high in protein and other minerals, so they do have merit in nutrition. Don't forget that Grubbin are also.. 9.7 POUNDS!? That is a LOT of bug meat, wow.
  12. Bugsy

    Here's some Bug-Type Knowledge. The final evo of Venipede, Scolipede, is a centipede-like beast...

    Here's some Bug-Type Knowledge. The final evo of Venipede, Scolipede, is a centipede-like beast weighs at 442 pounds, meaning that it is the heaviest non-legendary Bug-Type Pokémon.
  13. Bugsy

    Ogerpon finally felt the courage to Sturdy all over the place. What a beautiful ending.

    Ogerpon finally felt the courage to Sturdy all over the place. What a beautiful ending.
  14. Bugsy

    The Summer Demo draws even nearer! From what I remember, Heracross were obtainable in the early...

    The Summer Demo draws even nearer! From what I remember, Heracross were obtainable in the early routes with Headbutt, at least back in the 8-bit-crushed days. I can absolutely hope for whatever Bug-Type Pokémon I can catch in the demo regardless!
  15. Bugsy

    PokéForce Summer Demo Overview

    Now while it does feel strange to be the second gym leader of this region to be starting from scratch, I highly anticipate my capabilities for the demo. Choosing my starter, however, is... difficult. Have any suggestions for the characteristics of me?