Recent content by Enderchuu

  1. Enderchuu

    The Person Below Me (TPBM)

    True The person below me doesn't like insects
  2. Enderchuu

    Yo, I'm Dai!

    Hey, welcome! What's your favorite place to travel and what kind of games do you play?
  3. Enderchuu


  4. Enderchuu

    Hello Poke Force

    Welcome! Glad to see more players joining
  5. Enderchuu

    Treasure Hunters [TH] Guild - Recruiting

    Glad to see a post was made for this haha, welcome TH!
  6. Enderchuu

    If you were in the pokemon world what would you choose to do as your occupation?

    What would that do am curious haha
  7. Enderchuu

    Want to give a warm welcome to Whirl Islands who just joined the Merchant Republic.

    Want to give a warm welcome to Whirl Islands who just joined the Merchant Republic.
  8. Enderchuu

    If you were in the pokemon world what would you choose to do as your occupation?

    Like the movie industry or Mr Mine's circus acts ;p?
  9. Enderchuu

    If you were in the pokemon world what would you choose to do as your occupation?

    That's neat, 2 of my siblings are firefighters as well! Don't know if they'd make the same choice in the Pokemon World buut ;p
  10. Enderchuu

    Pokeforce Price Overview

    Ooh definitely like how this was organized!
  11. Enderchuu

    Demo Archived Maps (cities, routes, ect)

    Good job Shamon!
  12. Enderchuu

    The discord server has a bug reporting area, same here: Report a Bug

    The discord server has a bug reporting area, same here: Report a Bug
  13. Enderchuu

    You'll have to make a bug report tbh

    You'll have to make a bug report tbh