Recent content by Prof Samuel Oak

  1. Prof Samuel Oak

    Things wish is not happening in PokeForce

    let me know how it goes :) depending on how things go if we get a little one we'll send you a letter to come get it :)
  2. Prof Samuel Oak

    Things wish is not happening in PokeForce

    Hello Orange, Sadly I don't have any more here at the Lab. But don't fear. this Charmander has been waiting en route for someone. Here take this berry it may be hungry
  3. Prof Samuel Oak

    Things wish is not happening in PokeForce

    can't wait to train and trade with you guys, hopefully i still got my hat and didn't lose it in the lab
  4. Prof Samuel Oak

    Resolved sadly, No articuno

    it took 7 tries going to the spot after a blizzard for it to appear but it finally has :) lol thank you if someone reset something.
  5. Prof Samuel Oak

    Resolved sadly, No articuno

    it's sprite isn't there.
  6. Prof Samuel Oak

    Resolved sadly, No articuno

    so have visited the area where the ledendary Articuno is supposed to be, and have completed all quests to point, with the ball needed. but every time I have gone I have yet to see it. does it have a small spawn rate? or is there an issue? if it sometimes doesn't spawn i'll keep checking. but...
  7. Prof Samuel Oak

    Type Continuity

    Remoraid, the Jet Pokémon. Often found in large groups, Remoraid can fire water and hit targets up to one hundred meters away.
  8. Prof Samuel Oak

    Type Continuity

    Many live in the clean seas of the south. They apparently can’t live in polluted water.
  9. Prof Samuel Oak

    Your very own tale of grand adventure is about to unfold!

    Ah, @Erika! You seem to be enjoying traveling. *checks dex* I'm impressed! It must have been difficult to do! Ah! You seem to be dependable. How would you like to help me out? See? This is the latest version of Pokédex. It automatically records data on Pokémon you've seen or caught. It's a...
  10. Prof Samuel Oak

    Your very own tale of grand adventure is about to unfold!

    @aeon You still have lots to do. Go into every patch of grass you see and look for Pokémon! @Drunk Why are you here already? I said for you to come by later… Ah, whatever! Just wait there. But, I… Oh, all right then. Ah, @Emma ! It's good of you to come all this way. What do you think of...
  11. Prof Samuel Oak

    Type Continuity

  12. Prof Samuel Oak

    Your very own tale of grand adventure is about to unfold!

    Pokémon around the world wait for you! Hello there! Welcome to the world of Pokémon! My name is Oak! People call me the Pokémon Prof! This world is inhabited by creatures called Pokémon! For some people, Pokémon are pets. Other use them for fights. Myself… I study Pokémon as a profession. Your...
  13. Prof Samuel Oak

    Rare user check

    Let me think… Oh, that's right, I told you to come! Just wait! Of course, I need your help, too. Now, I need to see your Pokédexes... Your Pokédex is coming along quite well! I've given one of my Aides an Amulet Coin. Be sure to get it! It looks as if you're putting in an honest effort! When you...
  14. Prof Samuel Oak

    Yo! I'm Red, and I'm going to become the most powerful Pokémon Master ever!

    Hello! Sorry to keep you waiting! Let's see How you Boys have been doing... Hm! Your Pokédex is getting closer to completion. Have you ever considered a career as a Pokémon professor?