Recent content by Stryx

  1. Stryx

    Summer Memories Collection Thread

    Alright, with less then 2 hours left in the 2024 Summer Demo I guess I'll go ahead and make my final post for Summer Memories. I've been waiting for this demo ever since the 2023 Christmas Demo ended and luckily my patience was rewarded because I have had so much fun. Everything in this demo...
  2. Stryx

    Summer Memories Collection Thread

    After losing a shiny sandshrew on day one of the demo I was lucky enough to redeem myself by getting a shiny golbat and a shiny ledian.
  3. Stryx

    Summer Memories Collection Thread

    First memory for the first day of the 2024 PokeForce Summer Demo is a memory I'd rather forget because I lost a shiny sandshrew due to only having two pokeballs...
  4. Stryx

    Summer Festival Team Registrations

    I would love to be sorted into a team. I can't wait for the demo tomorrow!
  5. Stryx

    Favorite Pokémon

    It feels like my favorite Pokémon is always changing but my current favorite Pokémon is Cradily. It's definitely a unique pick but fossil Pokémon have always been some of my favorites and I think that Cradily has such an amazing and underrated design. Plus Cradily and Lileep both have great...
  6. Stryx

    Thread with the most posts!
