Search results

  1. Triston

    Resolved Can't login

    You’re not doing anything wrong - PokeForce is not yet released, and the servers are only opened for a limited time during a demo period.
  2. Triston

    Resolved Username and password, same as discord, error incorrect

    Hi, thanks for bringing this up. After some testing, I've come up with a solution. You should be able to log-in to the game now.
  3. Triston

    Resolved Username issue in client

    See: Resolved - Username
  4. Triston

    Resolved Username

    Thanks for reporting this, it will be fixed in an update prior to the demo's launch.
  5. Triston

    Tag! You're it! Blame @Jack.

    Tag! You're it! Blame @Jack.
  6. Triston

    Ban The Poster Above You

  7. Triston

    Mixed about the new change to the "like" feature

    Provide a solid suggestion for a "Like" emoji and I'll add it. Would the "quaxly_ok" emote in our Discord suffice?
  8. Triston

    Resolved Discord issue

    This is intended, for now. Once we've actually implemented a guild system, I'll add support for automatically applying your guild tag to the discord name.
  9. Triston

    Resolved Wrong birthday

  10. Triston

    Resolved I am unable to open the game

    The game is not yet open for the public. You will be able to log-in and participate in our Christmas event from December 22 - 26, after which we will close the servers again.
  11. Triston

    Transparency of the law enforcement process

    This is what we have moderators and internal guidelines for. This is not a democracy, if a player has broken the terms of service, they may incur penalties at the discretion of the staff team. If a player feels they have been penalised unfairly, they can open an appeal thread and members of the...
  12. Triston

    Where do deleted posts go?

    This is a stupid thread.
  13. Triston


    This won't be getting implemented any time soon.
  14. Triston

    Auction house.

    Yes, our market system will support both auction-style bidding with a specified expiration time, and an optional buyout price.
  15. Triston

    Auction house.

    This is already in our roadmap and planned for release under "Player Market (GTL)".
  16. Triston

    Counting to 1000

    1 :sneaky: