Search results

  1. N O


    It's not a finished product, I'll refine it and make a full ui
  2. N O


    I'd like to place the password recovery and registration functions somewhere else on the login page.
  3. N O


  4. N O

    Daily Screenshots

  5. N O

    Counting to 1000

  6. N O

    Customised chat window size

    Too small for meo_O
  7. N O

    A photographic trick

    No matter where you're facing just tap the call follower again and Pokemon will turn to the direction you're facing
  8. N O

    Daily Screenshots

  9. N O

    Daily Screenshots

    Document everything that happened during the pokeforce screens: ^THIS Evil aly is watching her mine operations
  10. N O

    Resolved How to wear the medal

    How do I wear my medals?
  11. N O

    Counting to 1000

  12. N O

    Resolved Why can't I log into my account, the password I entered is correct

    I tried my other account and was also told the password was wrong
  13. N O

    Stance of the team regarding cosmetics (clothing, pokémon, etc.)

    The market is diversified
  14. N O

    I wish we could have an original 🗺 of our own, hold an annual 🗺 design event and pick the favourites from it

    Whether or not this post gets picked up I'll be posting an entry guide to Tiled
  15. N O


    Thank you very much!❤️
  16. N O

    Transparency of the law enforcement process

    Making judgement outcomes more credible
  17. N O

    Transparency of the law enforcement process

    Public enforcement process, so that players can see the results of the case and the process, so as to avoid the results of the controversy, we should be very clear that pokeforce can have so many players pokemmo that set of bad judicial system has indelible credit
  18. N O

    First Cosmetic Creation Contest - Entries

    I recommend aseprite (pc), if you want to use the free one you can download pixel studio (pe)