Search results

  1. Kat

    SOS: Return me to my time line!

  2. Kat

    [LS] LOTUS

    Pretty name.
  3. Kat

    Love the signature lol

    Love the signature lol
  4. Kat


  5. Kat


  6. Kat

    PokéForce Poll!

  7. Kat

    PokéForce Poll!

    I am not subject to disclose any information at this time. You'll just have to wait until the time comes. We hope to see you all there!
  8. Kat

    PokéForce Poll!

    Hello, PokéForce community! We are currently running a poll to determine which of these Pokémon you would like to see most. Pick your favorite! Disclaimer: This won't have any major impact on gameplay.
  9. Kat

    Counting to 1000

  10. Kat

    questions from a potential player

    Hello, community Paul, to answer your questions: TBD. We currently only plan on having OU for single battles. Other formats are currently not planned. Yes. We have already started recruiting staff members who speak Chinese.
  11. Kat


  12. Kat

    Resolved How to wear the medal

    The Eon Ticket badge has been applied to your profile. You will also see it on your Trainer Card when the game officially releases.
  13. Kat

    I'm Kat

    Kit uhh Uhh UHH I'm Kat :eevee_cool:
  14. Kat

    Resolved Birthday corrected

    I put the wrong date. My birthday is 11/16, not 11/11. Please, return me to my glorious young age.
  15. Kat

    I'm Kat

  16. Kat

    Rare user check

    I'm Kat :eevee_cool:
  17. Kat

    Thread with the most posts!

    I'm Kat :eeveecool:
  18. Kat

    And subscribed

    And subscribed