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  1. Mike


    Yoooo thats huge. Sounds like an awesome time and an insanely admirable thing of you to do. Love that. Guess I am 🕵️‍♂️
  2. Mike

    Rare user check

  3. Mike


    It really is, Sara truly is the best
  4. Mike


    Ill give you an excuse to shut that handsome mouth of yours :whistle:
  5. Mike


    Unfortunately most hedgehog species are banned to have as pets in my country and they are nocturnal animals so I dont have any. Love the little things though
  6. Mike


    Idk how I managed to get the name but hey I got it here as well. Hedgehog enthusiast. Bird lover. Bit of an ass at times. You know how it be. If you know me you know and if you dont, pleasure to meet ya. Ps. If Kupo reads this I hope he stubs his toe, steps on lego and wish the next time he...