Search results

  1. Cpt Lavender

    Stance of the team regarding cosmetics (clothing, pokémon, etc.)

    I'm an aesthetics guy all the way. You won't see anything too outrageous.
  2. Cpt Lavender

    Tag! You're it! Blame @Emma

    Tag! You're it! Blame @Emma
  3. Cpt Lavender

    HMs? How are they going to work?

    You're not far off. HMs are planned to be player usable equipment, tools and a vehicle or two. My goal in this design is to create more player agency with more tactile overworld interaction.
  4. Cpt Lavender


    The lean on fetch quests was a byproduct of a lack of implemented game mechanics. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with what we have in store regarding quests~
  5. Cpt Lavender

    With the PokeForce Roadmap given, What features are you most excited to see? Anything you dont see that you would like too?

    I'm glad you're all so excited for the features we have planned! Aside from the competitive and mainline content, my goal is to create a world thats full and engaging. One that feels like you can live inside it and take part in different facets of a pokemon society. Personally I'm the most...
  6. Cpt Lavender

    First Cosmetic Creation Contest - Entries

    Yes, single items please. I unfortunately wasn't clear about that :'>
  7. Cpt Lavender

    First Cosmetic Creation Contest - Entries

    I recommend a program called Paint.NET. I've been using its free version for years. Best of luck! Enjoy entering the world of sprite design~
  8. Cpt Lavender

    Hi! im a map of kanto

    Hi Kanto! Can't wait til I get to build you after we release the game~
  9. Cpt Lavender

    First Cosmetic Creation Contest - Entries

    Nope! See the discord events page to get the zip files. Theres Male and Female bases to choose from.
  10. Cpt Lavender

    First Cosmetic Creation Contest - Entries

    Oh! Haha PNG please.
  11. Cpt Lavender

    First Cosmetic Creation Contest - Entries

    Format? Wdym?
  12. Cpt Lavender

    Tag you're it! @Lin got me :P

    Tag you're it! @Lin got me :P
  13. Cpt Lavender

    First Cosmetic Creation Contest - Entries

    You can if you'd like but it's not required.
  14. Cpt Lavender

    Thread with the most posts!
