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  1. Splash

    PokéForce State Of The Game: Quarter 2

    Exciting news! i like the look of the Quick inventory bar so far looks neat!
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  3. Splash

    Hello Chat! what are your plans for till the end of 2024?

    Hello Chat, I am excited as anyone else i am sure to get to play PokeForce as much as the next person! i wasn't too entirely sure if i wanted to put this in the discord but to use the forums a bit more and engage with people on here. i was mostly curious if i could maybe start some kind of...
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    April Fools 2024: New Information Regarding Upcoming Demo

    guh, many words. chat is this real?
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    A true Legend once said "GUH" and left it at that...

    A true Legend once said "GUH" and left it at that...
  6. Splash

    Hello aly1 <3 - greetings from aly2

    Hello aly1 <3 - greetings from aly2