All Things PvP - Frequently Asked Questions and Simple Questions / Simple Answers Thread


You look like a lot of fun ~
Game Designer
Nov 24, 2023
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This list is a collection of frequently asked questions that we have spotted across various conversations in the discord/forums. We wish to share some confirmed information with you that can be found in one post. Furthermore if you don't know what you are looking for in the FAQ list, ask below in this thread and we will elaborate on those topics as best as we can.

Current FAQ list is listed below.

1- What are the Combat Mechanics ?
PokeForce will utilise Generation 7’s mechanics for battling.

2- Will Megastones be available?
Not at the launch. They eventually will be introduced by various methods that are TBD.

3- Which generations of Pokemon will be in?
Our launch will contain Pokemon from generations 1-4 with a significant Johto/Kanto focus, and I shall say that NOT EVERY Pokemon from these 4 generations will be present.

4- Will the list of Pokemon be public?
As of this moment, no. We would like you to explore on your own/by your friends and figure out which Pokemon spawns where.

5- I’ve read somewhere you guys planned breeding. How will it work? How does it interfere with egg moves?
The system isnt finalised so its premature to share information now. We will revisit this topic in the future.

6-What about tutor moves?
It has been planned to make tutor NPC’s available as questlines. Once you complete that specific questline, you have access to the tutor move.

7- Will there be any Tournaments/Tiers/Ladders/Clan Wars?
Yes, all of those have been planned as details. We will have tiers, automated/hosted tournaments for those tiers, ladders for those tiers, and clan wars for group content. However, details for those are TBD. This topic will also be visited in the future.

8- I personally enjoy using Pseudo Legendaries on my teams! Will they be available at launch?

It has been confirmed that pseudo legendary encounters will be tied to their specific regions. This means we are confirming Dratini and Larvitar to be in game. Beldum, Bagon, and Gible will be released on future generations.
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PokeForce 将利用第七代的战斗机制。


我们的发布将包含 1-4 代的宝可梦,重点关注城都/关都地区,我想说的是,并不是1-4 代的所有宝可梦都会出现。


5-我在某处看到玩家们在讨论关于孵蛋/繁殖计划。 它将如何运作? PokeForce的孵蛋系统将会是什么样子的?
孵蛋系统尚未最终确定,因此过多共享孵蛋信息还为时过早。 我们将来会重新讨论这个话题。


Also want to point out this is an open thread for you to ask questions. If you have any, please do not hesitate.
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idk if this really belongs here, will freeze status be in game / tweaked? its the only status that can technically be permanent, i think frostbite aproach from legends arceus is really cool and could make up for this status

I get that the whole point of it being so powerfull is that there are few moves that actually apply it but their spread is big (ice beam for example)
idk if this really belongs here, will freeze status be in game / tweaked? its the only status that can technically be permanent, i think frostbite aproach from legends arceus is really cool and could make up for this status

I get that the whole point of it being so powerfull is that there are few moves that actually apply it but their spread is big (ice beam for example)
Since they are basing their game on gen 7, most likely not. Legends arceus was a gen 8 game. Also yeah i reply 5 months after :D Gotta dodge those pesky ice beam freeze
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Will be possible to play in potrait mode (vertical) on mobile?
By the way, one doubt at launch will the GTL be available (I don't know if it is written like that but what I am referring to is the online commerce section) or will it be integrated later? Thank you in advance.✌️
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By the way, one doubt at launch will the GTL be available (I don't know if it is written like that but what I am referring to is the online commerce section) or will it be integrated later? Thank you in advance.✌️

Answered in discord as yes. Gtl will be present in launch
Hello, I would like to ask some questions. I apologize in advance for my bad English (it's not my native language).

Do you intend to release Pokémon from generation 5 onwards?

What "TIERS" will be available if there is a matchmaking system?

Will there be a leader system? (Example: TIER - Ou - Top 1, Top 2, Top3, etc...)
If so, will there be a reward for the top 3 like in other MMO's?

How the "Elos" system will work (novice, intermediate, pro, etc...)?

I will leave other questions for other comments.
Hola, me gustaría hacer algunas preguntas. Pido disculpas de antemano por mi mal inglés (no es mi lengua materna).

¿Tienes intención de liberar Pokémon de la generación 5 en adelante?

¿Qué "NIVELES" estarán disponibles si hay un sistema de emparejamiento?

¿Habrá un sistema de líderes? (Ejemplo: TIER - Ou - Top 1, Top 2, Top3, etc...)
Si es así, ¿habrá recompensa para los 3 primeros como en otros MMO?

¿Cómo funcionará el sistema "Elos" (principiante, intermedio, profesional, etc...)?

Dejaré otras preguntas para otros comentarios.
Uuuuu buenas preguntas hermano
Hola, me gustaría hacer algunas preguntas. Pido disculpas de antemano por mi mal inglés (no es mi lengua materna).

¿Tienes intención de liberar Pokémon de la generación 5 en adelante?

¿Qué "NIVELES" estarán disponibles si hay un sistema de emparejamiento?

¿Habrá un sistema de líderes? (Ejemplo: TIER - Ou - Top 1, Top 2, Top3, etc...)
Si es así, ¿habrá recompensa para los 3 primeros como en otros MMO?

¿Cómo funcionará el sistema "Elos" (principiante, intermedio, profesional, etc...)?

Dejaré otras preguntas para otros comentarios.
Uuuuh good questions bro
Hello, I would like to ask some questions. I apologize in advance for my bad English (it's not my native language).

Do you intend to release Pokémon from generation 5 onwards?

What "TIERS" will be available if there is a matchmaking system?

Will there be a leader system? (Example: TIER - Ou - Top 1, Top 2, Top3, etc...)
If so, will there be a reward for the top 3 like in other MMO's?

How the "Elos" system will work (novice, intermediate, pro, etc...)?

I will leave other questions for other comments.

Heyo sorry. I dont know how I missed this question and I dont remember whether we discussed this on discord or not so I will respond here anyway.

1. Yes, just not at launch. Initial release as stated in OP is gens 1-4 only where the focus will be on gen 1-2 mons while we feature some 3-4 niche pokemon.

2. No concrete decisions made on this one yet. Council so far only consists of me and this isnt prioritised at all but I could say that launch will be OU only. Then we will likely add more tiers in.

3. Yes I believe

4. No idea. We dont have a system for those yet. TBD in a future date.
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