April Fools 2024: New Information Regarding Upcoming Demo


You look like a lot of fun ~
Game Designer
Nov 24, 2023
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Its been a while since we gave you an update on the upcoming demo, so here we go. As we delve into our combat system, we've encountered implementation challenges. Here are the adjustments we're making to enhance the gameplay experience.

Gameplay Changes

1.1. Items

  • Added a gold sink in decorations NPC for a reasonable price of PokeYens. It is a literal golden sink.
  • Added Turbo Balls, have 50% chance to catch any Pokemon or launch them into the orbit. Use with caution!
  • Pokeballs now have 1% chance of releasing confetti and playing celebratory music upon capturing a Pokemon.
  • Medicine items can now be used in PvP.
  • Repel can now be used on trainers. Spray their face to avoid battling.
  • Reworked Leftovers to be a consumable item. Expires after several turns.
  • Released new moisturizer and sunblocker skincare products for Pokemon with Dry Skin.
  • Renamed Super Potion to Above Average Potion.
  • Unused food components may randomly expire in bag.
  • Fixed a bug where Ultraballs would spin uncontrollably when thrown. You can throw Ultraballs with confidence.
  • Fixed a bug where trainers would sometimes accidentally throw their Pokeballs backwards. Trainers will now receive a ball launcher with holo projectile.

1.2 Abilities

  • Forecast ability updated to occasionally predict the weather incorrectly.
  • Oblivious now occasionally makes the user forget why they’re in a battle.
  • Slightly reduced the glow of Illuminate after several trainers assumed Gondor called for aid.
  • Forewarn cannot be used to predict lottery numbers.
  • Fixed a bug where Levitate would cause Pokemon float uncontrollably.
  • Fixed a bug where Pokemon with Run Away would sometimes flee involuntarily.
  • Fixed an issue with the Keen Eye ability where it would sometimes make the user overly critical of their opponents fashion choices.
  • Fixed an issue with the Healer ability where it would sometimes cause the user to give unsolicited medical advice.
  • Fixed an issue with the Moody ability that caused extreme mood swings that made users switch between elation and despair rapidly.
  • Fixed an issue with the Soundproof abiliy that sometimes caused Pokemon to not hear their trainers.
  • Fixed an issue with the Anticipation ability as it made some Pokemon overly paranoid leading to anxiety.
  • Fixed a bug where Telepathy allowed users to read trainer thoughts. No one needs to know you have a crush on cashier girl at your local Pokemart.
  • Regenerator regen rate 33% -> 50%

1.3 Moves

  • Added interactions to Wish where there is a rare chance for John Cena to appear and fulfill the wish. The user’s HP is restored to full and the user gains a +1 in all stats from the sheer excitement of meeting John Cena. Opponents are left stunned, unable to believe what they just witnessed.
  • Added interactions to Taunt where it does a different “Your Mom” joke when used. Some examples;
    • Your mom is so fat that when god said “let there be light” she was asked to step out of the way.
    • Your mom is so fat that when she walked past the TV I missed 3 episodes.
  • Using Sing will now play Free Bird in the background.
  • Darude-Sandstorm will play while Sandstorm is active.
  • Tripled Rapid Spin's spinning speed and added a spinning animation for each applicable Pokemon.
  • New interactions to Explosion and Self Destruct. A lot of confetti and firework animations are added. Heroic background music added.
  • All entry hazards remodeled with lego bricks.
  • Using Rest will occasionally cause Pokemon to oversleep and miss the entire battle. Alarm Clocks are added to game as hold items.
  • Fixed a bug where Teleport would teleport players to a random PokeMart instead of the nearest Pokecenter.
  • Fixed a bug where using Flash would accidentally blind trainers and make them see flashbacks of past battles. Trainers should no longer have unexpected flashbacks while using the move.
  • Reworked a bug where Focus Energy turned battles into an intense staring contests. It now may cause user to rearrange inventory mid-battle.
  • Fixed a bug where using Rock Smash would occasionally summon a rock band instead of smashing rocks, leading to impromptu concerts in da mines.
  • Fixed a bug where using Splash would cause a tidal wave and flood nearby towns.
  • Fixed a bug where using Fly would occasionally result in the user flying off into the sunset and never returning. They should return any moment now.
  • Fixed a bug where using Amnesia would cause Pokemon to forget where they are, leading to awkward moments in battle.
  • Fixed a bug where using Grudge would continue after battle ends would last for an unpredictable amount of time.
  • Scald Burn chance 30% -> 70%.
  • Focus Blast and Stone Edge accuracy texts set to 50% to match the actual ingame accuracy.

1.4 Miscellanous

  • Due to an interstaff dispute involving a garden gnome and 30 gallons of gasoline we will no longer be featuring skills in the game.
    • Pickaxes and Fishing Rods are removed from game. Players will now get the same long wooden stick to do mining/fishing.
  • Added Teleport roulette in Goldenrod City Casino, teleports player to a random coordinates within the region. May cause soft locks.
  • Reworked combat system. Added a mechanic where Pokemon can occasionally ignore the opposing Pokemon and attack the trainer directly.
  • It is now prohibited to use Sound-based moves in libraries and school districts.
  • Fixed a bug where NPCs forget their lines and stare blankly at trainers. NPCs should be now more engaging in conversation and actively judge the players.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Persians in Rocket Hideout to sometimes run around in panic even though you didn’t hear anything.
  • Added 37 more Eevolutions.
  • Updated the categorization of food items in the crafting menu. To improve discoverability, all food items are now soups or sandwiches.
    • Added nutrient facts to all consumable items.

2. Class Changes

2.1 Artisan

  • Artisans can now craft their own Legendary Pokemon.
  • Artisans now has a chance to accidentally craft invisible Pokeballs. They cannot be seen or used. They take inventory slot, though.
  • Added new achievements where artisans must craft items blindfolded or with their non dominant hand.
  • Increased the velocity of Pokeballs crafted by Artisan Class.
  • Added an alternate ending to artisan questline where players must catch Kurt and turn him into a Pokeball.

2.2 Trainer

  • Added Musical Chairs, Dance Off and Rap Battle as new battle types unique to the Trainer class. Added Eminem as the final boss.
  • Added more career options for retired Trainers, so they dont have to pick dead end teaching jobs at Violet City.
  • Added theme songs for Trainer class.
    • Trainers will now begin playing their theme song when they are down to their last Pokemon.

3. Map Polish

  • PokeCenter movement speed increased by 500%.
  • Adjusted follower Pokemon’s size to their canonical Pokedex sizes. Wailord is currently disabled as doing its model accurately caused a lot of lag.
  • Corrected the location of a tree that was misplaced in New Bark Town. We know, who would’ve even noticed?
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Love the changes! Although I will miss my pickaxe upgrades >_<
my honest reaction to this information
Added more bugs to fix later.
  • Haha
Reactions: Leonhart
I love these little dev logs :) Can't wait to see what the future holds for the poke force community
So many great changes hahaha! Can we throw turbo balls at trainers too like repels?!
  • Yikes
Reactions: LodinSetki
I sense an april fools :D But i do love these ideas XD
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  • Love
Reactions: Lin