Ban The Poster Above You


Calm Mind
Dec 7, 2023
Reaction score
Basically, ban the person above you and provide a reason for doing so. it can be for anything that you want to make up.

Example: said:
lesbian has been banned!

Reason: Not enough rainbow in their avatar.

This should be fun until Moderators come in here and actually start banning us 🤭
Drunk has been banned!

Reason: Endangering of public safety by drunk-posting.
Lucina has been banned!

Reason: Banning of a moderator without consulting staff first.
Gold has been banned!

Reason: Because I ran out of game chips for the Game Corner and I'm broke now, it's totally their fault!
lesbian has been banned!

Reason: I forgot
Kai Has been banned...

Reason : For being way to sexy!
Rare has been banned.

Reason: letting a rodent use sharp chopping tools
Emma has been banned!

Reason: For having too nice of a dress!
Kupo has been banned!

Reason: Using one too many exclamation marks!!!
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