Resolved Black Screen. Unable to play.

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Biotic God

Novice Trainer
Dec 18, 2023
Reaction score
Every time I log in I'm forced to remake my character and it always shows up with a black screen. Tried relogging in, reinstalling the game, restarting my PC. Nothing works.

It's a known issue that's something connection/server related because you're basically stuck logged in. You can try logging out by hitting the Escape key and trying to re-log, and also try re-launching. You can retry every few minutes, but the issue should resolve itself on its own.
I have the same problem when logging in with this character, however I was able to complete the quests with my alts and I can log in without problems. Help?
I have the same problem when logging in with this character, however I was able to complete the quests with my alts and I can log in without problems. Help?

The issue seems to be account related, or due to an issue with ROMs. If it's account related, then you will need to wait for a Staff member to help you our, or possibly waiting for a server restart to happen if one does.
The issue seems to be account related, or due to an issue with ROMs. If it's account related, then you will need to wait for a Staff member to help you our, or possibly waiting for a server restart to happen if one does.
It appears that this is indeed account related, as I can log in with other accounts without issue. Ty for the response, I will wait for a staff member to resolve the issue hopefully before tomorrow.
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