Dungeons and Raids


Novice Trainer
Dec 8, 2023
Reaction score
Now that we know dungeons and raids will be how we interact with legendaries, I would like to make a few suggestions.
1) Do not give money as a reward for beating the boss/legendary of dungeons and raids. Thematically it makes no sense for them to drop bags of cash once they are defeated lol. It would be better to drop exclusive items and crafting materials instead.
2) Add rare spawns as a secondary rewards. Maybe behind the boss room have a small area where 1-3 rare spawns are there at increased odds for a limited amount if time say 1 hour. That was items arent the only incentive to do raids.
3) Can have special forms of pokemon have a small chance to spawn during a raid or dungeon. I saw a suggestion for pink pokemon that turned pink from eating pink berries like in the show.
4) Adding restrictions and rules to each raid/dungeons will help keep things interesting. It can be basic things like species clause or sleep clause but can be also special like a mono type clause or no physical or special moves, etc.
5) There should be different tiers of difficulty that reward players differently

These are basic suggestions so let me know if you think of anything else.