Hello Chat! what are your plans for till the end of 2024?


Novice Trainer
Feb 25, 2024
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Hello Chat, I am excited as anyone else i am sure to get to play PokeForce as much as the next person!

i wasn't too entirely sure if i wanted to put this in the discord but to use the forums a bit more and engage with people on here.
i was mostly curious if i could maybe start some kind of thread about how everyone is doing and what they have plans for this till the end of the year
if they feel comfortable in sharing ofc :)

How are we doing today?
There has been a lot to my mind and a lot i wish i could just walk away from but alas that's not how life works i would say though things been mostly bright which i am glad about although i been feeling a lot of Dysphoria at times but i am certain that this year will mark a new beginning to everything in my life, all WILL and SHALL change nearing the end of this YEAR (2024) and i been quite nervous for it but also excited to face a new challenge!

i do also wanna thank everyone in the Discord for being amazing and such lovely people in the community too i honestly am so glad and thankful for everything, how nice people been to me and just generally how amazing you all just are <3

and to remind all of you to love yourself even through the toughest of times <3

Just got back from being lucky enough to take a holiday to Singapore, hoping now to take a step back for the rest of 2026, and, as boring as it sounds, really get my finances in order to prepare for the years ahead. Keen to see where this journey takes us all 😇 Thanks for the positive messages!
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Hiii Splashy, glad to know you're positive of what's to come despite some tough times, it takes a lot of courage to put a brave face sometimes :3 <3

How are we doing these days?
Well there's certainly A LOT of things to talk about. I am a much different person now than I was 6 months ago for several different reasons. I am at a point where I'm rediscovering myself and my identity, which is a journey that comes with positive and not so positive feelings, so there's that...
And I feel it's naive to think this, but I hope things are better by the end of the year :) Which to be completely honest, for all the other aspects of my life it by all means should.

For the time being, while I deal with everything, I just want to hang out with all my cute friends in the PokéForce community <3
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Most of my goals for this year are financially motivated. I want to retire early so I've been working towards that goal. Purchasing another property and renting it out is my big goal. Me and my brother are also getting into bigger business ventures here soon. We are starting our own company. So exciting times for us both. Scary too.

Also looking forward to playing some PokeForce this year. Haven't been excited for a game in a long time. Hope to hear some good news on that front soon. Especially on that demo!

Another unending goal that isn't specific to 2024: don't live for the weekend. I've been falling into that rut lately, unfortunately. Weekdays are just so busy I don't have a lot of time for my hobbies. I'm usually too tired. But the grind has to continue.. at least for now.
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Thank you for such a wonderful and cute post! ❤️

Don't exactly have many aspirations this year. I'll reach 10 years being in my job at the end of it, but otherwise... I'm boring!
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