Hello and Good morning/Afternoon/Evening - wherever you are in the world!
I'm never really all that good about talking myself, so - quick warning, there might be just a bit of nervous rambling while I am attempting to talk about myself!I suppose the quickest way to get to know me would be a few dot points, so let me start off there.
Queue in the 'Quick Facts' about me!
- I live in Australia (Or 'down under' as friends of mine prefer me to state)
- I'm currently slowly working towards my Degree in Early Childhood Education! (It had been put on hold due to a certain pandemic we likely all prefer to leave in the past..)
- My Favourite Pokémon has always been Eevee - the first time I saw an Eevee in a game it looked like a dog of mine (sadly had passed not long before that, so it was something big in my little mind at the time), but Chimchar is my favourite Starter! I love my little fire monkey!
- Fun fact that Chimchar was the first Starter that I ever found a shiny Pokémon of!
- My older cousin is how I got into Pokémon (and a good deal of other different Anime series as well TBH), Anytime I'd visit, he'd play on his old Game Boy, and I'd sit with him watching as he played - I witnessed his first completion of Pokémon Gold this way!
- He taught me the basics on his Sapphire game while he played Ruby (I didn't know how to save though, so I ended up playing the same early game... over ...and over... and over - he later taught me when he realised he forgot to teach me that!).
- I didn't own a Pokémon game until after Gen 3, I was given my own console for Christmas and my cousin donated me the Pokémon Sapphire that I always played when I visited him - as such there is a special place in my heart for Gen 3.
- However, clearly there is something special about Gen 4 for me, Pokémon Diamond was the first game I brought myself - release date purchase and rushing home to play it for the first time. We all remember that first special moment, no?
I suppose this will do for now, but I have inspired myself to pose the question to each of you willing to answer!
What was the first game (and Region) you played on your own? (Or was it like me, an older relative who you watched play, until getting your own?)
Bonus Question, if you want to answer - Which starter did you pick in that game?
Bonus Question, if you want to answer - Which starter did you pick in that game?
~ With Cookies and Pokeplushies ~