Merchant Republic-The Free Trade Agreement Alliance(Multiple Guilds)


Champion Trainer
Jun 24, 2024
Reaction score
What is the Merchant Empire?
We're an alliance meant to foster economic growth beyond the market equilibrium of a single clan. Besides profit, we also will have Merchant Empire led events, funded by the guilds in the Merchant Empire.
How is this Achieved?
It's based on real world international trading. Let me share how this works in the simplest way possible.

Both the production guild and the material guild will trade their items at reduced rates that increases profit for both parties.

The production guild can then produce cheaper items to craft as well as gain exp for their craft more efficiently.

The material guild can sell the items at market rate and make a profit from that as well as increase efficiency for exp gain. Both parties get to end game skills much quicker than they normally would otherwise.

2) How does this work?
To put it as simply as possible let's say the equilibrium point of both guilds is 100,000 pokeyen for profit. After trade they now have the ability to go above the equilibrium point. So now both clans now have a profit of 200-300 thousand pokeyen.

3) The same goes for exp gain in a specified skill.

Let's say the guild members have to split their time between mining and crafting items. Now they don't have to worry about mining and finding the items as much because of the trade deal for the production guild, they also cut the cost of both time and money of finding said materials.

For the guild that has a lot of mining materials they no longer have to worry about how long it takes for their materials to be grabbed in GTL and can replace their materials with items to sell on the market that have a much higher market value than their materials did as a standalone. Since they now have a focus in mining their mining efficiency will go way up.

4) Discounted prices as well as hiring PVP guilds for protection.
This allows the PVP guilds to profit and get items at cheaper than GTL prices. On the other hand it also allows people gathering resources to gather resources without fear of being attacked by another player.

5) Merchant Empire led events.
Guild led events will include prizes for the top 3 winners. There will be battle competitions, shiny hunting competitions, etc. This is NOT limited to those only in the Merchant Empire. Some events will be to spice up the rewards for pokeforce led events if we feel it necessary.

Would this ruin the economy?
No, because it'll be based on working GTL prices. We have no goal to inflate or deflate the market. In fact it would be counterproductive to any money making method to inflate or deflate the market. If the economy inside the game is unhealthy so are we.

Only thing that may be affected is raw resources to make sure the cost of resources isn't at or above the cost to craft said item. Like for example let's say a fishing rod costs 5k in the market, there should be no reason for the materials to craft said fishing rod to add up to above 5,000 in a healthy market.

Rules and regulations: The Merchant's Creed
1) No member in any guild should overprice materials beyond the agreed upon price by the guilds.
2) Do not take any action that goes against what was voted on.
3) No discrimination of any sort
4) Respect one another
5) Do not scam others, violators will be voted and removed from the Merchant Empire.
6) EON remains the tie breaker, their votes count as one unless in the case of a tie. This will not change.
7) A guild can be removed for violations, and be disassociated with the Merchant Republic. Only takes 3 guilds to agree and shall remain that low of a number to prevent corruption. The Republic Leader is immune, however their actions can be formally protested against.

1) Your guild will have voting power in the alliance. Meaning decisions aren't the sole decision or discretion of one guild or party. EON may be the leader of the Merchant Empire but they're only a tiebreaker vote. They can't be voted out, but they can be outvoted on decisions.
2) We will have better rewards for Merchant Empire Internal Competitions.
3) We will be able to make our own events that others in the server can join and set prizes for the winners. No more relying entirely on the dev team to entertain us.
4) More profit for all guilds in the alliance through elaborate and carefully calculated trade.
5) More efficient experience gain.

Player Business Affiliations(No voting power, but can join the Merchant Rmpire as an individual and advertise your in game business):

None as of yet

How do I join?
1)Requirement to be a decision maker guild: Must have 15 members minimum. This is liable to change to a higher number in the future..

2)Requirement to join: There will be none besides agreeing to following the merchant's creed.

Which guilds are currently in the Merchant Empire?
Note: Only 7 Guilds will have decision making ability in the alliance. The rest will be trade related.
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Rebranded to Merchant Republic as this isn't a dictatorship, but rather a constitutional republic. Another update is there will be a youtube channel dedicated to the PokeForce Market. With players from all guilds in the Merchant Republic having a chance to do their own reports.
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