

Novice Trainer
Jan 1, 2024
Reaction score
Hello!! Delighted to be here. Casual Spanish player starting out in the world of online pokemon games, I don't know much or anything but I would like to learn.
I am looking for a Hispanic clan/guild to recruit.
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Reactions: Dizzi
Hello and welcome scantraxx!
Has a Spanish speaker I’m. I hope you enjoy PokeForce forum and everything about it’s.
And about Hispanic clans/guild in the future it will happen for sure.
Almost forgot you can hop in to discord we have a Spanish-lobby that will help you a lot!
Hello. It's nice to see some more Spanish-speaking players get into the game, so welcome to this nice little community. As Shiny Snorlax said you can always go to the Spanish Discord channel if you want to start meeting players and potentially create a guild and what not.
Welcome! Delighted to have you here. Don't worry about being new we all start somewhere. Good luck on your journey! Saludos!
Hello and welcome! We're so happy to have you here. I hope you enjoy your time!
Welcome to the community :) Glad to have you here!
Hello and welcome to PokéForce Scantraxx! Great to have you here ❤️
Welcome to the PokéForce community, Scantraxx!

Enjoy your stay here 💝