Feelin' like you are strapped for cash? Then this is the post for you.
There are 4 main ways I've found to make pokeyen effectively. Skilling, Battling, Jobs and Berries. As well as some misc stuff I'll mention at the end.
You should know how to sell your loot before attempting any of these things. You can sell loot like logs, ore and berries at local shops in the box on the counter. It has a little pokeyen symbol on it. These will be important locations so make sure to make note. There are two, one in Violet City and one in New Bark Town. DO NOT BUY FROM SILPH CO! THEY ARE A RIP OFF! Buy from your local mom and pops please. Support small business.
Also be sure to hold onto your berries until you have read my section on berries!
Violet City shop:

We are gonna start off with this one. When you start your journey you are given about 5k yen to start. Hopefully you didn't waste it all on pokeballs because you want to buy some tools.
There are two paths with this. Foraging and Mining.
- Foraging involves chopping down trees and foraging the forest for mushrooms. This requires two separate tools; the axe for woodcutting and the trowel for foraging. You can skip the trowel for now as it requires you to go deep into the woods to collect most things and there is scary high level pokemon in there. You can get both the axe and trowel for a cheaper price at the Farmers Market on the western part of Violet city. They are more expensive at Silph Co. Dont buy name brand. 3k vs 5k per tool.
Farmers Market:
You get logs from chopping down small trees which you can sell for a small amount of money. What you are really after is clue scrolls though. They are rare but if you complete them you can get some real worth while loot. I highly recommend you at least get to level 10 in foraging as that lets you cut down those small trees that block your path.
Pros: Cheapest skill to get started on only being 3k for an axe. Good chance to get clue scrolls. More on clue scrolls in MISC. Also trees are instanced to you so theres no fighting for resources.
Cons: Logs dont sell for quite as much as mining. No jobs really require foraging yet. Also not as cool as caves.
- Mining involves mining ore in Dark Cave. This requires two tools, the lantern and pickaxe. You can get them in a bundle deal from the building just to the left of the main Dark Cave entrance for 6k. The tough part about this skill is that you may need to utilize other money making methods in this guide in order to afford the tools.
Dark Cave Mining Co.:

You mine ore like copper and tin and sell that for chunk of change. You also have a chance to find geodes. Crack those open for rewards. I recommend you to get to at least level 20 in mining as it gives you access to more parts of dark cave. There is a lot of jobs that require mining.
Pros: Ore sells a little better than logs. You can still get clue scrolls. Geodes can drop the best berry in the game.
Cons: You share resources with other players so they can mine before you. Think Runescape. The tools are a bit more expensive and you are not able to get them right away with 6k pricetag. Have to get a higher level in mining than foraging to get access to tin for jobs.
This is self explanatory but battling can grant you some cash.
- Battling trainers you find throughout the world will give you some small amounts at first but if you increase your trainer rank this will increase significantly. Check the jobs section about trainer rank. Trainers can be rebattled once every in-game day. You may need to grind your starter a little bit to fight some of these trainers.
- Battling wild pokemon sometimes drops loot. Could be pearls or nuggets which sell for a bit. And if your lucky clue scrolls and expensive berries.
Pros: Prob the quickest cash right off the bat.
Cons: Requires a little bit of grinding so you dont lose in battle. Requires completing jobs to really see the increase in cash.
The job board is going to be your friend. While the pokeyen rewards are good; what you are really looking for is the trainer rank exp. This boosts all sorts of stuff including your catch rate (easier time catching shinies!) and trainer battle rewards.
You can check your trainer rank by pressing ESC to see your menu. (Dont mind the rank 1, I was level 17 before the patch haha)
Trainer Card with Trainer Rank:

Violet City Job board:

I recommend picking up jobs you know you can do like defeat 15 pidgeys. But if you can pick up defeat 50 of x pokemon this will reward you with A LOT of trainer exp.
Pros: Good pokeyen pay out. Trainer rank affects a few aspects of the game including catch rate and trainer payouts.
Cons: Some jobs can take a while to complete. May require certain times of day to see certain pokes.
Farming Berries is technically a skill but I separated it to show its importance. I left this for last as there is a chance if you did some of the other tasks above you mightve gotten your hands on some berries. This will be your end game money maker. If you want to tell how much a berry sells for put it in the local shop shipping container to see the amount you would get for one berry. Make sure to take it back out! We gotta plant it!
What you are looking for is a berry that sells for 960 yen. This is the most you can get for a berry. (Except for the Enigma Berry which sells for 980 but you can only get those from Geodes from what I can tell).
If you were unlucky and were not able to find a good berry you can buy one from the local shops. They rotate their inventory every in-game day so there is a chance a good berry will be for sale. If this is the case, you are looking for a berry that costs 9600ish pokeyen. Its a steep cost but eventually planting and replanting 3 or 4 times will net you way more than that initial investment.
Once you have your berry that sells for 960 we can start planting.
There are berry patches all over the game. In the western party of Violet City, one spot between Violet City and Dark Cave, some spots near Mr. Pokemons house, the farm on the route between Dark Cave and Cherrygrove, some patches on the route between Cherrygrove and New Bark Town and finally a few by the second entrance of Dark Cave. Let me know if you want visual aids for all the berry patches. I can make a separate post if there is enough interest.
Violet City Berry patch:

Berries take about 3 hours to grow. And there is no upkeep or timer on when to harvest it. Just set it and forget it. In 3 hours, farm the berry by interacting with it. (You don't need a tool during this demo). It should drop anywhere from 2-5 berries. Then just replant those. You do this enough times and you'll eventually have excess berries which you can sell for big bucks.
I mentioned it before but Clue Scrolls and Geodes are also good money makers. The problem with them is that they are RNG and you may not see too many.
Activating a Clue scroll will give you some easy tasks to complete in order to be rewarded with a parcel. Cracking open the parcel will give you a nice reward. I've heard there is a really rare item that could drop!
Geodes act the same way. You can even get a clue scroll out of one. They appear to have a different drop table than clue scrolls so see what you can find!
Hope this helps!
TLDR; If you want what I think is quickest. On a fresh file, check the job board for any easy quests like defeat 5 hoothoot or pidgey. Go outside violet, train your starter until it evolves. Try and complete those jobs if you can. Then go around battling trainers for some cash. Once you have 6k you can buy the lantern and pickaxe. Id try and shoot for 10k so you can pick up a bunch of pokeballs too. You dont want to miss out on any shinies! Once you have the pokeballs, lantern and the pickaxe mine until you hit level 20ish. Sell your loot. Pick up more jobs with more pokes to defeat and mining jobs. Complete those. Then purchase a berry if you didnt manage to get one. Then start planting away. You should have a million pokeyen in a few days or so.
What do I buy?
You can buy a bike for 50k in cherrygrove.
You can buy the raft for 75k in the local shops (Dont buy silph co its 200k!) Its random on whether theyll sell one though.
Buy the pokedoll so it can sit in your task bar bein cute.
And the green gem for 300k in local shops. I wonder what it does?~
This is my first guide for a game so hope its not too sloppy. Thanks for reading. Feel free to add to the post in the comments.
There are 4 main ways I've found to make pokeyen effectively. Skilling, Battling, Jobs and Berries. As well as some misc stuff I'll mention at the end.
You should know how to sell your loot before attempting any of these things. You can sell loot like logs, ore and berries at local shops in the box on the counter. It has a little pokeyen symbol on it. These will be important locations so make sure to make note. There are two, one in Violet City and one in New Bark Town. DO NOT BUY FROM SILPH CO! THEY ARE A RIP OFF! Buy from your local mom and pops please. Support small business.
Also be sure to hold onto your berries until you have read my section on berries!
Violet City shop:

We are gonna start off with this one. When you start your journey you are given about 5k yen to start. Hopefully you didn't waste it all on pokeballs because you want to buy some tools.
There are two paths with this. Foraging and Mining.
- Foraging involves chopping down trees and foraging the forest for mushrooms. This requires two separate tools; the axe for woodcutting and the trowel for foraging. You can skip the trowel for now as it requires you to go deep into the woods to collect most things and there is scary high level pokemon in there. You can get both the axe and trowel for a cheaper price at the Farmers Market on the western part of Violet city. They are more expensive at Silph Co. Dont buy name brand. 3k vs 5k per tool.
Farmers Market:

Pros: Cheapest skill to get started on only being 3k for an axe. Good chance to get clue scrolls. More on clue scrolls in MISC. Also trees are instanced to you so theres no fighting for resources.
Cons: Logs dont sell for quite as much as mining. No jobs really require foraging yet. Also not as cool as caves.
- Mining involves mining ore in Dark Cave. This requires two tools, the lantern and pickaxe. You can get them in a bundle deal from the building just to the left of the main Dark Cave entrance for 6k. The tough part about this skill is that you may need to utilize other money making methods in this guide in order to afford the tools.
Dark Cave Mining Co.:

You mine ore like copper and tin and sell that for chunk of change. You also have a chance to find geodes. Crack those open for rewards. I recommend you to get to at least level 20 in mining as it gives you access to more parts of dark cave. There is a lot of jobs that require mining.
Pros: Ore sells a little better than logs. You can still get clue scrolls. Geodes can drop the best berry in the game.
Cons: You share resources with other players so they can mine before you. Think Runescape. The tools are a bit more expensive and you are not able to get them right away with 6k pricetag. Have to get a higher level in mining than foraging to get access to tin for jobs.
This is self explanatory but battling can grant you some cash.
- Battling trainers you find throughout the world will give you some small amounts at first but if you increase your trainer rank this will increase significantly. Check the jobs section about trainer rank. Trainers can be rebattled once every in-game day. You may need to grind your starter a little bit to fight some of these trainers.
- Battling wild pokemon sometimes drops loot. Could be pearls or nuggets which sell for a bit. And if your lucky clue scrolls and expensive berries.
Pros: Prob the quickest cash right off the bat.
Cons: Requires a little bit of grinding so you dont lose in battle. Requires completing jobs to really see the increase in cash.
The job board is going to be your friend. While the pokeyen rewards are good; what you are really looking for is the trainer rank exp. This boosts all sorts of stuff including your catch rate (easier time catching shinies!) and trainer battle rewards.
You can check your trainer rank by pressing ESC to see your menu. (Dont mind the rank 1, I was level 17 before the patch haha)
Trainer Card with Trainer Rank:

Violet City Job board:

I recommend picking up jobs you know you can do like defeat 15 pidgeys. But if you can pick up defeat 50 of x pokemon this will reward you with A LOT of trainer exp.
Pros: Good pokeyen pay out. Trainer rank affects a few aspects of the game including catch rate and trainer payouts.
Cons: Some jobs can take a while to complete. May require certain times of day to see certain pokes.
Farming Berries is technically a skill but I separated it to show its importance. I left this for last as there is a chance if you did some of the other tasks above you mightve gotten your hands on some berries. This will be your end game money maker. If you want to tell how much a berry sells for put it in the local shop shipping container to see the amount you would get for one berry. Make sure to take it back out! We gotta plant it!
What you are looking for is a berry that sells for 960 yen. This is the most you can get for a berry. (Except for the Enigma Berry which sells for 980 but you can only get those from Geodes from what I can tell).
If you were unlucky and were not able to find a good berry you can buy one from the local shops. They rotate their inventory every in-game day so there is a chance a good berry will be for sale. If this is the case, you are looking for a berry that costs 9600ish pokeyen. Its a steep cost but eventually planting and replanting 3 or 4 times will net you way more than that initial investment.
Once you have your berry that sells for 960 we can start planting.
There are berry patches all over the game. In the western party of Violet City, one spot between Violet City and Dark Cave, some spots near Mr. Pokemons house, the farm on the route between Dark Cave and Cherrygrove, some patches on the route between Cherrygrove and New Bark Town and finally a few by the second entrance of Dark Cave. Let me know if you want visual aids for all the berry patches. I can make a separate post if there is enough interest.
Violet City Berry patch:

Berries take about 3 hours to grow. And there is no upkeep or timer on when to harvest it. Just set it and forget it. In 3 hours, farm the berry by interacting with it. (You don't need a tool during this demo). It should drop anywhere from 2-5 berries. Then just replant those. You do this enough times and you'll eventually have excess berries which you can sell for big bucks.
I mentioned it before but Clue Scrolls and Geodes are also good money makers. The problem with them is that they are RNG and you may not see too many.
Activating a Clue scroll will give you some easy tasks to complete in order to be rewarded with a parcel. Cracking open the parcel will give you a nice reward. I've heard there is a really rare item that could drop!
Geodes act the same way. You can even get a clue scroll out of one. They appear to have a different drop table than clue scrolls so see what you can find!
Hope this helps!
TLDR; If you want what I think is quickest. On a fresh file, check the job board for any easy quests like defeat 5 hoothoot or pidgey. Go outside violet, train your starter until it evolves. Try and complete those jobs if you can. Then go around battling trainers for some cash. Once you have 6k you can buy the lantern and pickaxe. Id try and shoot for 10k so you can pick up a bunch of pokeballs too. You dont want to miss out on any shinies! Once you have the pokeballs, lantern and the pickaxe mine until you hit level 20ish. Sell your loot. Pick up more jobs with more pokes to defeat and mining jobs. Complete those. Then purchase a berry if you didnt manage to get one. Then start planting away. You should have a million pokeyen in a few days or so.
What do I buy?
You can buy a bike for 50k in cherrygrove.
You can buy the raft for 75k in the local shops (Dont buy silph co its 200k!) Its random on whether theyll sell one though.
Buy the pokedoll so it can sit in your task bar bein cute.
And the green gem for 300k in local shops. I wonder what it does?~
This is my first guide for a game so hope its not too sloppy. Thanks for reading. Feel free to add to the post in the comments.