Party/Group system suggestions


Novice Trainer
Dec 9, 2023
Reaction score
Recycled from old discord suggestion I made + a few added ones
I imagine there will be a group system to invite others to play together, here are a few suggestions for that:

• Group chat

• Shared drops in dungeons/raids/PvM content

• Notification in group chat when a group member levels up
• e.g., "[Player] has reached lvl 45 crafting!"

• Notification in group chat when a group member encounters a shiny
• e.g., "[Player] has encountered a Shiny Graveler! Wish them luck!"
[click message in chat to spectate battle]

• Notification in group chat when a group member encounters a pokemon with 3x 31 IVs or more
• e.g., "[Player] has encountered a Graveler with many 31 IVs!

• +5% XP gain (skill/trainer/pkmn XP) in a 100 tile radius of group members
• This would encourage people to form groups to do skill XP related activites, farm hordes together, trainer rebattles, gauntlets, etc.
[Strongly encourages players to look for others doing similar tasks and form a community]

• Allow group members to use each other's incense
• This is purely based off the assumption that there will be an incense/lure system for pokemon, also works well with the XP bonus within radius ^
[Encourages players to catch/farm/shiny hunt pokemon together]

Most of these suggestions are to ensure that PokeForce won't be a mainly singleplayer experience like some other MMOs, and playing with friends IS the best way to play (although not forced)