Some random idea / thought/ expectation i got


Novice Trainer
Dec 7, 2023
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I'm really hyped about this game, and it make me think about how this game could be / what this game could do about some stuff.

1- making something with the trainer card:
-we could add success / achivement to it / title (earn though the game)
-possibility to keep it private, or public / shareble to other players
this is a good way to keep track and see your improvement, and a good way to share / flex with others
2- Bag, pc, wallet management
-being able to craft differents chests in your base, that allow you to deposite from your bag stuffs that you don't use
-getting a bank, where you can stock/ save some money (obtional but : we could add a system with bonus income each month)
-i don't really know what we could do for the pc, if any player have some idea, please put in the comment section
the worst feeling is getting mess, tons of random stuff we don't use.
this will avoid people making alt account just to manage these stuff
this will allow to keep track what we earned at the end of a farm (for item)
3-Shiny rate system
(i know the system is already establish but i post what i think this could be cool)
i want a system that reward you the most unlucky (in term of encounter) you are at. adding some added value to the shiny
if we consider shiny rate at 1/20k, we could add some reward scale (40k encounter, 60k encounter for a max of 100k encounter)
the most unlucky you are, the better the reward.
we could think about getting different shiny color, some title to your trainer card, a different particule on your shiny.
i don't really know about the reward, but this system is a win win play.
lucky player got their shiny
unlucky player is rewarded for the time spend with an extra reward

4-Donjon (sectionne inspired by the mine stardew valley systeme
-this could be a place to farm some material to craft different stuff (pokeball, potion, TM),
-being able to see shiny on the donjon map (this could be an other way to shiny hunt pokemon)
-we could add an elevator for big donjon with a lot of floor
-making in some low floor, blocked access / secret access (we can imagine a tree cutable only for pokemon above lvl 50, rock that you could use strengh but couldn't be obtainable early) this will be a way to revisitate low floor when you are in the end game

-getting recipies to earned, to craft some meal/ potion that give you different bonus
-recipies for different balls (adding masterball recipies, and material while pokeforce event, limited to 1 / player / event)
-pokemon material: in donjon beating water pokemon could give you "water droplet" , needed for the water TM (inspired from pkmn scarlet)

i hope i was enough clear to express my idea, (as i'm not english native this could be tricky for me to explain what i got in mind)
if some player got some extre idea, more nuance/ variation to give on top of my idea, don't hesitate to put it down bellow.
as well don't hesitate to comment and express what you like or dislike about them.

i wish these idea could help / inspire the developement team.
i wish the best for them and the game,
see you on the MMO!
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Great ideas! sharing the trainer card is a nice way to show others your progress, almost like an mmo profile, maybe the forum accounts can be linked to your trainer card, and you can customize it with a profile picture/background.

also with the bank, monthly or weekly challenges seem like a fun way to earn bonuses, aside from tasks like farming or gym runs that may get repetitive
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Yes please! to some sort of inventory management system to store (more) money, items, etc. I would like to keep all of my pokes and stuff on my main without having to create an alt bank account ☺️
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