Suggestions about Battle Engine


Intermediate Trainer
Beta Tester
Dec 7, 2023
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Hi, PokeForce Develop team,
I would like to offer two suggestions as a player who has used most Pokemon battle platforms(pbo, po, ps).

1. The information displayed in battle
Please consider showing stat changes(E.g., ATK +1), field effects(E.g., Spikes, Trick Room, Weather, Screen), and special conditions(E.g., Flash Fire, Perish Song, Encore, Throat Chop) of the Pokémon.
This is very crucial for Pokemon battles! However, other Pokemon online games like PokeMMO and PokeOne have not implemented this, forcing players to sift through battle text to find and calculate the information themselves, which is very inconvenient and stupid.

Additionally, if possible, I also hope for a display of the moves the opponent's Pokémon has used and their remaining PP.
This would be extremely useful for Stall Hyper Offense players like me! 1739838538133.png

2. The mechanics of the battle engine (regarding which generation)

First of all, I am well aware that PokeForce currently plans to use Generation 7 battle rules (including Pokémon, moves, and mechanics). You have put a lot of effort into planning this, and I believe you can execute it well.
Additionally, my personal favorite battle environment is Gen 7 as well (e.g., I dislike Gen 8’s removal of Pursuit and Hidden Power, as well as Gen 9’s nerf to recovery moves’ PP).

However, I still strongly advise and request that you please give a consideration to potential future updates.
Please consider adding Pokemon from more generations, as well as the necessary mechanics to support their inclusion (which may require modifications to existing moves, mechanics. e.g., removing/modifying/adding the effects of moves, abilities, weather).

I fully understand that PokeForce will likely maintain Gen 7 for many years, as there is still a lot of content to add to the game.
However, isn’t scalability is one of the most important aspects of software development?

I believe almost every pokemon players would love to see more pokemons, and perhaps in a few years, you might consider updating to the latest generation. I just hope you keep that possibility open.1739840391053.png

I really appreciate you taking the time to read through my suggestions, and I apologize if I’ve come across as too wordy.
The reason I’m like this is because I’ve played nearly all the Pokemon online games available, and the good ones stopped updating at the older generations. The ones that kept updating to the latest gen are all had poor overall quality.
PokeForce is just starting out, and with its small scale, it’s easier to make changes.
I really like it, which is why I’ve shared all of this.

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