Support/Medic Class Ideas!!


Novice Trainer
Dec 9, 2023
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Before I begin, I would like to give everyone who is working on the game a very special thank you for everything that you are doing, and I am so excited to be a part of this journey

One of the main features that I've been focusing on ever since I heard of PokeForce, was the idea behind classes! Someone posted this link on Saturday (More info concerning classes.) explaining a little more about classes and what's in store for the future!

Now, knowing me and my hyper-fixations I was really interested in the idea of a support class! Or a medic type class! I know little about incorporating this idea into a game, nor do I know where to begin.

I had a short idea of using the crafting system to maybe craft our own unique potions or power boosts we can use in battle? In Pokemon Legends Arceus one of the main features was collecting different herbs and other materials in order to craft things such as Revives, Potions, etc.

I would love if there were certain quests we could do with Nurse Joy, or do certain missions for her working alongside her. I also thought of maybe helping out sick Pokemon in the wild with the potential of them joining us as a thanks? Depending on the difficulty of the quest, the Pokemon could potentially have a higher chance of perfect IVs as well.

If you want to go a step further, you can incorporate breeding into this class as well in some way, maybe? Providing different materials to make breeding faster or maybe to increase odds of a better Pokemon?

I let my ideas get out of hand so it's mostly just a bunch of messy thoughts I put into a big post

As always thank you to everyone working on the game and I'm looking forward to it!

Ps: A Huge thanks to @Lynet for helping me out with grammar and putting up with my rambling <3 You're the best!
Interesting.. I wouldn't have immediately thought of a "Support" class for a Pokémon MMO, but we know there's a lot to PokéForce!

We indeed know Artisan is gonna be a class so it'll be interesting to see just how far it branches out with what you can craft. I enjoyed that part of Legends that you mentioned, even if it was relatively simple and Game Freak-y.

Having a unique way to obtain pokémon for this particular class is quite an interesting concept too. I dunno if it'll fit the general design of the game well but I at least like the thought of it! ❤️
Totally unbiased opinion about this:
For variety's sake, I feel this would make perfect sense. The exclusive ability to craft better and more potent healing items, and possibly other support items, seems like a great idea. Many people in the other classes will naturally want the higher quality healing items, which gives demand, and creates an economy around them.

Maybe something about the Medic/Support class being the only one able to use the higher grade items in harder battles, such as raid battles, which also creates a new dilemma; do you take a player with a class that can benefit the fight offensively? Or do you pick a Medic/Support that can benefit the fight in other ways?

Great suggestion! +1 from here.
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