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Hello ive alos made my own tierlist based on my own experience , of course this was made with HAs in mind otherwise would have looked diffrent and some important notes are that:
-The tiermaker list i used did not have all the mons and so some might be missing , kingdra is an exemple (i would have put it A+) in some cases i simply did not rank a mon if i felt there was already a better version of it there (hippow and tomb both outclass umbreon as physical walls , as well as being able to do other stuff if need be other then being a physical walls that just pass wish , same as milotic>vaporeon)
-The rotom in S+ is rotom-wash (heat would be A and maw would be at top of B or bottom B+)
-I did put them in order of which i think would be best from worst at least for S+,S,A,B+,B(as funny as that is ), A+ dosen t have a particular order.(For exemple azu is above the other physical water sweeper like craw,feli,floatzel and kabu mostly for being fairy type wich by definition makes it better then the rest).With that being said yes i do think gliscor would be the best mon in the game without a doubt being able to wall everything that dosen t carry an ice move for it.
Lastly keep in mind that this is my personal opinion and things may look diffrent oance we get to this point so don t take it 100% for granted.
Alos i want to ask why do some folks talk about wevile being banned ? I did put it in S but its nowhere near ban worthy or is this some inside joke im missing?