Titans in T-Shirts - Recruitment


Intermediate Trainer
Dec 8, 2023
Reaction score
Hello everyone, as you can see my name is Ravage, and I have been a part of the Pokemon community for a while now. Not Pokeforce, but all Pokemon in general. I have a lot of expectations from Pokeforce as they are doing everything right.
So, I want to start a guild here as soon as the game launches and make it the best Guild in the Entire Game.
We will focus on PvP, Internal Competitions, and basic grinding in the game.

The Recruitment will begin on the day of the Game Launch. If you have any suggestions on what you want in a guild, let's drop them here in the comments so once we start we know exactly what we are building.

Will be looking forward to connecting with good people and building a positive community here in PokeForce.


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