Today is Pokemon Day! February 27th 2024 Edition!


Intermediate Trainer
Feb 26, 2024
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Share anything Pokemon-related that makes experience with Pokemon worth your time and dime.

I will go first.

Um,, at the top of my head, I would like to give shout out to Pokemon Crystal. I live in a rural areas and was not technologically savvy. So the best Pokemon game that I played was Pokemon Emerald. However, Pokemon Crystal takes the cake. For many reasons. One being the journey back to Kanto, and second it was thrilling experience to beat my fav fictional charactcers, Gary Oak, and Ash Ketchum. But seriously Ash=senpai, out of all place, why cave?? xD

Happy Pokemon Day everybody!!

Now it's you turn to show your drill! :B
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TRADING! I love grouping together with close friends to trade!
My friend who used to live across the street from me would always trade me really good Pokemon on Pokemon GO! Sadly he moved to Arkansas about a year back, but we still keep contact with each other!

(PS: Pokemon Crystal is such an underrated game! I absolutely love it!)