outono landed on COINS! $1,000 coins have been added to your bank. You now have $3,860 coins!
The JACKPOT doesn't match your winnings.
Kenai landed on COINS! $1,000 coins have been added to your bank. You now have $8,100 coins!
Ryan uses 1 of 2
EXTRA Vote Boosts and spins the wheel... Nothing! Ryan uses a bonus spin and uses the last EXTRA Vote Boost of theirs and...
Congratulations! Your vote has brought forth a shiny Pokémon!
It has been added to your shiny collection
The rest of you didn't land on anything good, but you collect 100 coins for voting.
All banks have been updated!
Arcana, Orange and OhTool lose their streaks and reset back to 0.5% shiny chance.