What is your favorite pokemon and what you dislike about it!


Novice Trainer
Dec 7, 2023
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When i first played Red/Blue many moons ago, I loved the archetype of ghost pokemon and hence Gengar was my favorite.

Two thing that sucks is that they removed levitate in recent gens and its shiny form SUCKS. Like its mega evolution is white, or at least it should have followed the blue coloring of gastly!!
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My Favorite Pokemon is by far Absol, still remember the first time i came across one when every mon was a new encounter to me in Hoenn. Had to have it. Love the design, and the shiny is even better.

The main thing i dislike about Absol is how much of a glass cannon it is.
Hippowdon. My favorite type is ground and he's the only ground type that summons sandstorm, so over the years I used it a lot when I used to play showdown. What sucks about Hippowdon: Skarmory pisses all over it, also... why is the shiny female the same color as the shiny male? wtf
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My best boy Totodile of course ❤️ I don't exactly know why he's my favourite but who am I to argue?

What bothered me about him? Not too much.. It was always slightly irritating not having a very good STAB move which uses his attack stat for ages, I suppose!
When i first played Red/Blue many moons ago, I loved the archetype of ghost pokemon and hence Gengar was my favorite.

Two thing that sucks is that they removed levitate in recent gens and its shiny form SUCKS. Like its mega evolution is white, or at least it should have followed the blue coloring of gastly!!
This... This is me T-T poor gengar
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Ribombee is my favorite Pokémon and has been since Sun & Moon hit, old favorite used to be Jirachi, but man, Ribombee just has phenomenal design and it's so adorable, and well I'm just a sucker for fairy types!

What I don't like about Ribombee is how Ribombee never really made it to OU and was a really overlooked Pokémon ever since SM, it couldn't really compete and keep up with OU much, but now Ribombee (thanks to the SV DLC) is cracked out of its mind and is even played in Ubers right now since its such a dominant Sticky Webber that is existing where others aren't. Like, don't get me wrong, I love that my favorite Pokémon is now getting quite a bit of love in higher tier competitive play now, but I miss when Ribombee was less popular still!
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my favorite pokemon is giratina & the only thing i dislike is the colors of the shiny
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My favorite pokemon is Blaziken and i only dislike one thing about him, and that's the distribution of his stat points. I wish he had more speed and less special attack... T_T
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Squirtle. What makes Squirtle amazing is a combination of its classic status, strong battle capabilities, memorable design, and its role in Pokemon lore both in the games and the animated series. It's a Pokémon that has left a lasting impression on the Pokémon community and in my heart! One thing I dislike about Squirtles is the fact that they do not exist in real life. ;)

But more specifically, I love the Squirtle Squad!
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My favorite Pok é mon is Corsola. She is very cute and I think there is nothing wrong with her (just representing personal opinion)
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For the longest time Pikachu was my favourite, but during Sword & Shield I really got hit by the Wooloo train. It's strange how I can love what is virtually just a sheep, but here we are. As with many Wooloo lovers, the dislike has to be Dubwool's existence. While the possible use of eviolite is nice, I really don't like the risk of Wooloo evolving if I'm not paying attention.
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I like scizor very much and annoyed that its shiny version is dumpsterfire. Should have been black instead of limegreen. Also when scyther evolves, the BST stays the same. I wish scizor gained a bit more stats instead of a rebalance
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My favorite pokemon is most probably Hitmontop. One of the best fighting pokemon imo. Well rounded stats and of course not only having the ability intimidate, but also access to technician just makes it such a versatile pokemon.
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sneks are cool (y)
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Close tie between Metagross, Garchomp and Rayquaza.
Even the mightiest of creatures sometimes does not know of an absolute answer
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Roserade is my favorite pokemon! I fell in love with roserade when i first saw Gardenia use it and I remember being so jealous that I couldn't find one when I was a kid! and yes - Budew is one of my favorites as well :3

As for what I dislike about Roserade..I'm not a big fan of the Poison typing and would much prefer a typing like Ghost <3
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Favorite: Sceptile. what I dont like: it's stats 🥲