Wilderness PvP


Novice Trainer
Aug 20, 2024
Reaction score
Was thinking about how PvP would function in the wilderness since we’ll be able to force challenge players.
I’m wondering if the format would be singles, If that’s the case then I wonder if it will be plagued with stall tactics and perhaps even just cheap methods of players stalling until their guild or friends can come as backup.
Of coarse this will depend on the meta, perhaps it will be easy for sweepers to setup and prevent stalling.
Alternately, could implement double or even triple battles to make the combat speedier and last fewer rounds.
Honestly I don’t have much experience in singles format since I usually play vgc but I’d be interested if other players had any insight into this.
Tbh, I have no idea about wilderness battle.
Is that a new gameplay that the PokeForce development team has revealed to be added to the game?