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  1. QuantumShift

    Dev Blog #2

    Hey when is the next dev log? really enjoyed the last one and am looking forward to more if you decide to do them
  2. QuantumShift

    Day / Night Cycle Length

    1hr morning 2hr day 1hr night I think several people have expressed that most people work a 9-5 and really only can play on average 2 hours each day. Having certain spawns only happen to a certain time will be painful for the average player if they have limited time to play each day.
  3. QuantumShift


    I noticed that the current set of quests in the demo are all fetch quests. While I understand that this was probably done on purpose for testing the Questing system, I just want to suggest that there be a variety of quest types. Types of quest id like to see: -Battle X Npc -Catch X pokemon...
  4. QuantumShift

    Berry farming?

    @Jack will you have to watch your crops or they will die? I hated that aspect of pokemmo since I felt it did not respect the players time/life. Can’t log in one day? Well all your crops died :/
  5. QuantumShift

    All things PVP, electric boogaloo

    How are pvp seasons gonna work (length and format), is pvp gonna have a guild leader board, will guilds have benefits for pvp performance, what are the rewards for to players doing pvp, and will there be a way to host pvp tournaments in game or will you have to coordinate that off of the game?
  6. QuantumShift

    Dungeons and Raids

    Now that we know dungeons and raids will be how we interact with legendaries, I would like to make a few suggestions. 1) Do not give money as a reward for beating the boss/legendary of dungeons and raids. Thematically it makes no sense for them to drop bags of cash once they are defeated lol...