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  1. Christmas

    Favorite Pokémon

    Has to be McDelibirdski.
  2. Christmas

    Resolved Eon Ticket

    Helleuuu, PF fam! I've noticed that the 'Eon Ticket' didn't transfer to my forums account. But, I did receive the Eon Ticket during the November 2023 demo. I also have proof of this on my Discord account that's linked to it. It would be fantasticooo if you could help me get it onto the forums as...
  3. Christmas

    Valentine's Day

    The idea is good and it looks great! But I don't think they should spend so much energy on something that's only around for one day a year. I think they should focus on things that are more important for the game overall. We all want the game to be released by late 2024 or early 2025, right...
  4. Christmas

    Day / Night Cycle Length

    1 hour morning, 1 hour day and 22 hours night. Cuz night feels comfy af in this game jajaa
  5. Christmas

    Seasons with an exclusive storyline

    One thing to add: The only aspect I might not favor is adding cosmetics for Pokémon. Personally, I find it can appear somewhat awkward on Pokémon. PBO adopts this approach, and outfitting Pokémon with clothing can be a bit chaotic/weird. I believe cosmetics work well for characters, and...
  6. Christmas

    Seasons with an exclusive storyline

    That sounds like a really cool idea! I'd love it because it keeps gamers hooked in a fun and rewarding way. I think the 3 to 6 months time-frame for completing things in a season is just right - long enough to enjoy the game without feeling rushed or overwhelmed. Going any shorter might stress...
  7. Christmas

    PokéForce Weather Update

    Snow guuud
  8. Christmas

    What's your favorite shiny Pokémon?

    And, I forgot about Looks 🤌
  9. Christmas

    Shiny hunters, what will your first shiny hunt be on release?

    Shiny McDaddybird or Shiny Lapras. That's all.
  10. Christmas

    First Cosmetic Creation Contest - Entries

    duuuude, you're so good at this! Nice use of colors/shades. I hope you get to be part of the PF-team, creating dope looking cosmetics.
  11. Christmas

    What's your favorite shiny Pokémon?

    Shiny kadabra. Naaaaah, jkjk, Shiny Haxorus or Shiny Weezing.Probably shiny Weezing, it looks CLEAN. The pokemon Weezing itself looks dumb, but the shiny version makes it look rlly dope. It's a big improvement, so that's why it's my fave.
  12. Christmas

    What platform do you plan to play on?

  13. Christmas


    Helloooo!! You and me both. Game is going to be 🤌
  14. Christmas


    Yoooo big man
  15. Christmas

    More info concerning classes.

    Archaeologist would also be a litty class. Archaeologists often work in the field, conducting excavations, as well as in laboratories, museums to further their research and contribute to our understanding of pokemon history. Mine some spicy fossils and rare items like star piece and stuff...