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  1. Lin

    All Things PvP - Frequently Asked Questions and Simple Questions / Simple Answers Thread

    Answered in discord as yes. Gtl will be present in launch
  2. Lin

    @SpringFox good idea

    @SpringFox good idea
  3. Lin

    No you. It even says under your name

    No you. It even says under your name
  4. Lin

    No you

    No you
  5. Lin


  6. Lin

    April Fools 2024: New Information Regarding Upcoming Demo

    Added more bugs to fix later.
  7. Lin

    April Fools 2024: New Information Regarding Upcoming Demo

    Hello, Its been a while since we gave you an update on the upcoming demo, so here we go. As we delve into our combat system, we've encountered implementation challenges. Here are the adjustments we're making to enhance the gameplay experience. Gameplay Changes 1.1. Items Added a gold sink...
  8. Lin

    All Things PvP - Frequently Asked Questions and Simple Questions / Simple Answers Thread

    Also want to point out this is an open thread for you to ask questions. If you have any, please do not hesitate.
  9. Lin

    All things PVP, electric boogaloo

    We will not be dividing OU into anything. Ladder tiers are already a sensitive subject that having more ladders will divide the playerbase. Inevitably the less populated ladder dies down. Even over showdown the most popular formats Random Battles and Overused does not allow more than 2 ladders...
  10. Lin

    they will be!

    they will be!
  11. Lin

    All Things PvP - Frequently Asked Questions and Simple Questions / Simple Answers Thread

    Please read before posting! This list is a collection of frequently asked questions that we have spotted across various conversations in the discord/forums. We wish to share some confirmed information with you that can be found in one post. Furthermore if you don't know what you are looking for...
  12. Lin

    Question about how to get PVP Ready Pokémon

    These will be all announced in the future. Nothing is set in stone =)
  13. Lin

    What is your favorite pokemon and what you dislike about it!

    I like scizor very much and annoyed that its shiny version is dumpsterfire. Should have been black instead of limegreen. Also when scyther evolves, the BST stays the same. I wish scizor gained a bit more stats instead of a rebalance
  14. Lin

    Yes she is. Thanks

    Yes she is. Thanks
  15. Lin

    Rating Water Starters for their ability to operate Liebherr R946 L C Track Construction Equipment

    Hey folks, check this out – I got this burning question, like, what if we had a Water-type starter Pokemon running our crane, you know? Sounds wild, right? They may not have the official papers, but these water dudes are jumping into that Liebherr R946 L C Track Construction thingy, making...
  16. Lin

    Tag youre it. Blame @Kupo

    Tag youre it. Blame @Kupo
  17. Lin

    Thread with the most posts!

  18. Lin

    Thread with the most posts!

  19. Lin

    The Chain Game (A Classic!)

    Pokémon is a fantastic series! It's been around for years and years and there's so much to do, such as battle your friends, or plant crops! There are 1015 distinct species of Pokémon. Yet they just never stop releasing more games. They once had an event where two people could play at the same...