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  1. K

    Dev Diary #1 - Chunks

    Hi @Rebecca , how is it going? i hope you are holding up alright
  2. K

    Suggestion to Open Section for Creative Endeavours Corner

    So after searching, I believe there hasnt been a section or thread for this, so apology of mine in order if otherwise. Fans of literature, art, music could contribute to the vibrant vibes of the community here. Whether they want to share their poetry, songwriting, concept art, doodlings...
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    Hello World!

    @Lyric I like the way your template of introducing yourself. Speaking of shiny, despite having played Pokemon games for a lil over half a decade, I never stumbled upon a shiny.. well anyway, welcome aboard to the community
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    Happy Pokemon Day!

    My favourite Pokemon is Squirtle, and I'd rather have my Eevee not evolve :D
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    Ronin Pokemon Trainer

    Okay, welcome
  6. K

    May the Force be with Us!!

  7. K

    Dev Diary #1 - Chunks

    I see the similiarites at fundamentals. I just thought, as I thought Godot tiling systems can be the same with RPG Maker, that drawing a whole map by hand can save the time consuming technical time. Okay, whatever works, then xD
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    Dev Diary #1 - Chunks

    Right, I apologise for not elaborating.. Panoramic mapping is another term for parallax mapping, that I learnt of in RPG Making communities. Instead of painting tiles from tilesets to the map squares by squares, we use maps that have been fully drawn as background layer to projects a whole big...
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    How may I?

    How may I?
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    Dev Diary #1 - Chunks

    How about making a panoramic map?
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    Today is Pokemon Day! February 27th 2024 Edition!

    @TGRdev Pokemon Tindddeeerrrrr?? :O
  12. K

    u sure u didn't see it wrongly? coulda been Bulbasau :B

    u sure u didn't see it wrongly? coulda been Bulbasau :B
  13. K

    May the Force be with Us!!

    Yes :B Smell ya later, @Rare
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    Creative Media Forum Section

    Hi friends! I second @Allurosa idea! I am thinking of sharing my creative endeavours here :B
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    Today is Pokemon Day! February 27th 2024 Edition!

    @TGRdev Pokemon GO? Does it have battle system now?
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    What is your fondest Pokémon memory

    There's no amount of wealth that have been bestowed upon me by Pokemon that can be weighed. Because of this IP and franchise, I get to have closer relationship with my siblings, one, and two, Pokemon triggered inspiration for me so much so I would play Pokemon games over and over again and read...
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    Assemble Your Pokemon Squad! (The Pokemon Vanity Thread)

    Whilst making this thread, the game is still not out/launched. But let's say we are all out into it now, what are your choices of Pokemons that feel just like perfect, just nice, just, you know, fulfilling for you. Mine is...
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    New Year Resolutions 2023-2024

    My main new year resolutions are to get serious and discipline working on my game development project and to get that atheletic physique
  19. K

    Lets create a monotype team!

    Pikachu, Electabuz, Luxray, Jolteon, Pachirisu, Miraidon