About Account/IGN Trading and Info

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Sarcasm, for what reason?

Edit: Nevermind that^. I was doing some searching in the Discord and was seeing discussion pertaining to this.


Also, found this. So, I was just misinformed and unaware about what you were talking about specifically, I did not see or know about this prior. It was good that was changed then, because the forums would be spammed for sure in the meantime which is not a good thing.

I also thought activity meant immunity and not "significant progress", but whatever. Whole point of what I was bringing up is that you should be able to prove and show your worth and that not only being limited to in-game activity and or progress that's been made there.
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We hear your suggestion regarding distinguishing between main and secondary accounts based on playtime. While we value the input of our community members, our current approach focuses on in-game activity rather than playtime duration over all of your accounts. This ensures that the names released are genuinely inactive.

We understand the sentimental value attached to main account names, and we're actively considering ways to address this concern. However, I believe it's fair to wipe names that have no progress on them. As mentioned, accounts with significant progress are immune currently anyway.

We want to assure you that our goal is to strike a balance between preventing name hoarding and being considerate of our players. Your feedback is crucial in helping us make informed decisions.
An idea on how to distinguish an alt account from a main account is when a player first log onto the server their account is marked as a main account (which prevent them from being able to signed out of that account but allow them to add additional account) and if they add additional account they be marked as alternative account. The alternative account will be place under the group of the main account call secondary account and like how I mention previous if there is no significant progress within these account or they haven’t signed into the actual game within a certain time period the account username will be wiped but if the account is marked as a main account then no action would be taken. Account that refuse login into the server will automatically be marked as secondary account. Once a secondary account is added on the server then the user is able to select which account they want to be a main account through the menu (1 main account max). This way people can take a burnout break without having to comeback to a suspicious alias.
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An idea on how to distinguish an alt account from a main account is when a player first log onto the server their account is marked as a main account (which prevent them from being able to signed out of that account but allow them to add additional account) and if they add additional account they be marked as alternative account. The alternative account will be place under the group of the main account call secondary account and like how I mention previous if there is no significant progress within these account or they haven’t signed into the actual game within a certain time period the account username will be wiped but if the account is marked as a main account then no action would be taken. Account that refuse login into the server will automatically be marked as secondary account. Once a secondary account is added on the server then the user is able to select which account they want to be a main account through the menu (1 main account max). This way people can take a burnout break without having to comeback to a suspicious alias.
While I agree with your idea as it makes it easier to manage your accounts, Alycia has already stated that there will be no form of account linking to other accounts. (There's an explanation for this, but I would be lying if I guessed.) There is no issue with taking breaks. As it currently stands the only accounts that would be at risk are ones with no activity(progress ie; dormant accounts). In which, the user is given ample time to change that. Forum activity may be taken into account here, but I dont see anyone just not playing on the account they are using on the forums. Of course in situations that lesbian has proposed, none of us would just up and delete a username thats actively communicating. If in that two week period the user sent someone a message and some rare case was in play there would be exceptions made.
An idea on how to distinguish an alt account from a main account is when a player first log onto the server their account is marked as a main account (which prevent them from being able to signed out of that account but allow them to add additional account) and if they add additional account they be marked as alternative account.
Account that refuse login into the server will automatically be marked as secondary account. Once a secondary account is added on the server then the user is able to select which account they want to be a main account through the menu (1 main account max). This way people can take a burnout break without having to comeback to a suspicious alias.
While it is possible since they can decide to track via HWID, it's still going to end up being a complicated and flawed system, even if they track off of both IP & HWID combined. You still have stuff like VMs and other stuff like that which can be hard to combat. I know that well enough by helping run a private server in the past.

Anyway, the main issue with the policy is how unclear that it is based off of previous discussion, like do you have to remain active yearly to be unaffected by the policy, or do you need to have significant progress on an account in-game? Or both? Also, just the lack of consideration of inactive players or people who don't play or are interested so much with the game at any given point, but they still enjoy the community, contribute, etc. That's why I brought up like forum activity and whatever, because I know there will be people who even enjoy the forums over the game, and there's nothing wrong with that. Every community member should be valued and respected equally, no matter where they spend their time with PokéForce and where they choose to be active. While I get that they don't want room for debate with this, it's just objectively unfair how it's like you need to play the game just so you don't lose your identity. You don't need to play the game for people to know you and get familiarized with you within the community, but if that wasn't the case, then it would be an entirely different story.

Edit: I do want to say the policy if it accounted for both forum & in-game activity/progress collectively, then there would be 0 issues with it.
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Name hoarding is bad hihihi, i feel no pitty for those who claimed over 20 names xd, deserved ngl, you are just stealing names from other players lmfao

- "But i want to have 1 character per class!!"

I don't care, then make the account once the day comes lol, dont gate keep names from other players When they are unique just because you want your 10th alt to be named marshadow

With this said, agree with the stated above, the propper way to make this is having both, X progress in game and at least have participated a bit in the forum (at least the early days)
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I have wrote up a detailed post for your inquiries. Thanks for the great questions!
So i just want to know if I got things right. Right now and until the official release of the game all accounts that have been made are safe from being "purged", but once the game launches, the clock starts ticking for all accounts, and once a year has passed accounts with absolutely no progress will be "purged". Is that how it is? Not really a name hoarder, I only made 4 accounts for names I REALLY wanted, just want to make sure I'm not misunderstanding
There has been a lot of interesting perspectives in this thread so far so i thought id chime in.

I do believe that there should be some level of importance to keeping desired usernames active. 95% of the pokedex's usernames should not be in the hands of less than a dozen or two players. Thats just excessive. But i do feel like because of the way the class system is designed, having a few extra usernames stored away for future released classes should be okay, and purging them seems a bit unfair for those who plan to play each class and were early adapters to the game. If there was a way to change classes after creation then sure, i see no issue with purging them all when inactive, but because we would need to keep the account active, we are forced into making these characters one of the 4 initial classes at the character creation screen that they will be stuck with forever. This gives us no room to enjoy future classes with the names we choose to identify with.

My proposal was going to be to give players an option to link a set number of alt accounts to their main forum account that has been linked to discord, that are "Locked" from being purged. This gives them the security to keep a few accounts ready for classes that may come in the future while also giving the staff a way to limit the number of accounts people can sit on. Anything past the limit of locked alts is subject to the purge if not active and progressed throughout the year. (i understand the idea of linking accounts has already been shut down by a previous post from Drunk, but maybe there is something to be considered with this idea and could spark a similar system that can work). I understand it is difficult to find a middle ground on what is considered fair for all, so im hopeful things can be taken into consideration with the long period of time we have before release to find a system that works for everyone.

It may seem strange to some players who do not value the idea of having usernames they want, but for others, not having the name they identify with is offputting to the idea of creating a new character when a fresh class is introduced years down the road.

As far as account trading, i believe nothing good ever comes from that. The account you create is yours and yours only. Opening the door for accoun trading just gives people incentive to cheat/bot and sell accounts for monetary gains outside of the game itself, which will only hurt the in game economy.
>remove "username registration limit"
>shockedpikachu.jpg when people make unlimited username registrations

I don't think its bad to require activity on the accounts necessarily but I don't see how anyone can argue that people doing the thing that was explicitly allowed are doing something wrong.
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So i just want to know if I got things right. Right now and until the official release of the game all accounts that have been made are safe from being "purged", but once the game launches, the clock starts ticking for all accounts, and once a year has passed accounts with absolutely no progress will be "purged". Is that how it is? Not really a name hoarder, I only made 4 accounts for names I REALLY wanted, just want to make sure I'm not misunderstanding
Absolutely 100% correct! Keep in mind there will be official announcements for when these things take place.
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Absolutely 100% correct! Keep in mind there will be official announcements for when these things take place.
Alright, sounds reasonable to me tbh. Thanks for answering :)
So i just want to know if I got things right. Right now and until the official release of the game all accounts that have been made are safe from being "purged", but once the game launches, the clock starts ticking for all accounts, and once a year has passed accounts with absolutely no progress will be "purged". Is that how it is? Not really a name hoarder, I only made 4 accounts for names I REALLY wanted, just want to make sure I'm not misunderstanding
Well, apparently you need to make "significant progress" in-game, as much as we don't know what is defined as that or what that is considered to be. We wouldn't really know this anyway either until the game actually releases and the game has been play-tested enough with what's been finalized.

However, Alycia had also stated that "they must remain active in order to keep their usernames", so it's really unclear as to what is what. You can make "significant progress" and then end up inactive, so yeah. Probably will still get your name ripped from you anyway 🤷‍♀️
Well, apparently you need to make "significant progress" in-game, as much as we don't know what is defined as that or what that is considered to be. We wouldn't really know this anyway either until the game actually releases and the game has been play-tested enough with what's been finalized.

However, Alycia had also stated that "they must remain active in order to keep their usernames", so it's really unclear as to what is what. You can make "significant progress" and then end up inactive, so yeah. Probably will still get your name ripped from you anyway 🤷‍♀️
Sounds to me like we really need a definition for what significant progress means as well as remain active.

I believe in an ideal world once you made progress with your account it should be safe for the foreseeable future, but if by remaining active means login in once a year then I think I can live with that. Not ideal, definitely, but also not the worst.

Again, this is all speculation, we need to know what "significant progress" and "remaining active" mean exactly
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Well, apparently you need to make "significant progress" in-game, as much as we don't know what is defined as that or what that is considered to be. We wouldn't really know this anyway either until the game actually releases and the game has been play-tested enough with what's been finalized.

However, Alycia had also stated that "they must remain active in order to keep their usernames", so it's really unclear as to what is what. You can make "significant progress" and then end up inactive, so yeah. Probably will still get your name ripped from you anyway 🤷‍♀️

I don't understand how something so simple has been so overcomplicated. You can own 5, 20, 100 alts all the power to you we don't mind, long as you're farming/playing on them as you would with any other active account, username purge is nothing new on mmorpgs and you get given a grace period of notice prior to that which is generous enough as it is. We do understand people want to keep semimental value names which is totally understandable, just as we also have a standard to upkeep with inactivity the next we're not going to delete you for your dedicated 9000k hours and only minimal playtime for one year.
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Maybe having a similar character screen as World of Warcraft might be a good idea, letting people login to multiple names for each class all under one roof. That way active users with multiple good names don't have to actively play on say 6 accounts at different times, logging in and out, just due to being worried about their name being taken away.

That way you can have 6 classes already made with your desired names already attached under one login but the accounts themselves use different login credentials themselves, they just need to be linked together. (Maybe I'm being way to confusing) :p

I honestly doubt "name selling" will even be a thing as it is a bannable offence but who knows.

I think as long as people receive at least a months notice every year or two that they are in breach of having their name removed due to inactivity then it should be fine. Obviously different people have different circumstances and may need more time but if there's a way to make a support ticket letting the team know that they can't login right now due to this or that and could get an extended login period for activity.

I do also think forum activity should count towards being "active". As long as it's not just spam posts.
How do y’all plan to combat auto name claimer, if my user name get cleared because I have been dormant for one year and then a bot snipe it and pick it up. The username will be still inactive but will now belong to someone who appreciate the name a lot less and will probably be trying to sell it for profit. Is it possible for username to not get wipe but if a player want a specific username of someone who inactive for a certain amount of time they can open a ticket on discord and request it.
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How do y’all plan to combat auto name claimer, if my user name get cleared because I have been dormant for one year and then a bot snipe it and pick it up. The username will be still inactive but will now belong to someone who appreciate the name a lot less and will probably be trying to sell it for profit. Is it possible for username to not get wipe but if a player want a specific username of someone who inactive for a certain amount of time they can open a ticket on discord and request it.
If you lose your name, it's because you've been inactive for a significant amount of time. Do you deserve to keep the name if you've been inactive for so long?

Why shouldn't someone else who might also appreciate having that name be given the opportunity to use it?
If you lose your name, it's because you've been inactive for a significant amount of time. Do you deserve to keep the name if you've been inactive for so long?

Why shouldn't someone else who might also appreciate having that name be given the opportunity to use it?
Sorry but do you know what an auto name claimer is? A auto name claimer is a bot that snipe name once it become available. A person who using one of these usually have no intention of playing on those account but selling them. They're is auto name claimer in pretty much any successful platform and I’m not saying don’t rip away player name but is there a way to guarantee that name would go to someone active or will it just be snipe by a bot over and over again until the person who own the bots manage to sell it to an active player? That why an official ticket system would be a lot better. It will ensure good username goes to active member of the community and to someone who will enjoy it. Not just sit in limbo to be sold. It won’t be hard to open a ticket and be like “Hey i see “King” has been inactive for a year is it possible for y’all to transfer that name to me?” If i lose my name because of inactivity then i prefer to lose it to someone who is actually playing not a fellow inactive bot which will hold the right to the name for a year and would be likely be the first person to notice that the username is up for grab.
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Before asking further questions please refer to the original thread as I've updated it for most of your concerns.
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username purge is nothing new on mmorpgs
I don't know about that. I can't really recall an MMO/MMORPG that has done purging on usernames, and I consider myself quite the connoisseur for them as well. I've definitely played many of the popular ones that have been out for around at least the past 2 decades of my life of varying different genres.

While it's probably nothing new, it's surely not a common thing whatsoever.

If you lose your name, it's because you've been inactive for a significant amount of time. Do you deserve to keep the name if you've been inactive for so long?
My answer is yes, However, I know the answers of others may be different.

It's like if you aren't active and out in society in real life for a long period of time, do you end up losing your name/identity? No, you do not. So, why should it be the same thing on a game just because it's a game? It's so easy to argue that it's merely a thing done because it's what the developers are preferring what they want to do here.

It's just like how we can also bring up again that there was a limit of 3 alternative accounts put in place in the first place, because it was known that people were going to go hoarding if the opportunity was ever at all presented to them. You can't expect some people to not try eating all the food at a buffet when that's presented to them. It's as simple as that. I still think that it was pretty backwards to put a limit there in the first place, then go on to remove it in its entirety, especially if hoarders were thought through about to begin with and it was going to bother you guys if people did it.

I've been trying my best to understand the reasoning and everything behind it all, but it's been hard.

Why shouldn't someone else who might also appreciate having that name be given the opportunity to use it?
Because they weren't early adopters? They weren't first come first serve?

This is also why I was ranting before about FOMO stuff too in another thread, this same phenomenon will happen with rare and sought after usernames as well 🙃

It's great when you have something nobody else does, but really sucks when you don't have something others have!
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