

Novice Trainer
Dec 7, 2023
Reaction score
i just wanted to introduce myself here and say hi!! im in too many discord servers so i prob wont be active on the one for pokeforce

but i'm really looking forward 2 the game and maybe making new friends !!
i hope everyone will have fun when the time comes !
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Reactions: Christmas
Hello there! Welcome to the pokeforce forums! I can understand the feeling of having too many discords. If you wanna chat with some poke force people anyway feel free to send me a message on here!.

I'm super excited as well and I hope you'll have a good time here :) most of us are very nice
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Reactions: bluebird
Welcome bluebird! That's perfectly fine @ the Discord comment ❤️ everyone will interact with the community in their own wonderful ways
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Reactions: bluebird
Hello and welcome! It's great to have you here. Even if you're not very active on the PokeForce Discord server, it's awesome that you're looking forward to the game and open to making new friends.
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Reactions: bluebird
Hello and welcome! It's great to meet you! Totally understand about being in many Discord servers – life can get pretty busy. We're still thrilled you stopped by to say hi! The anticipation for PokéForce is shared by many, and we're all looking forward to the game and the potential for new friendships. Feel free to drop in whenever you can, and here's to a future filled with fun and exciting adventures!
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Reactions: bluebird
I really feel that. I'm not active in the Discord server either (still active here though) and I'm in too many servers too as much as I don't really interact in them, I'm more of a chatty person and enjoy one-on-one conversations, especially nowadays as it's hard to keep up with a lot and I've already lived through my prime years so basically you kind of slow down. Now, I mostly just am in Discord servers to keep up-to-date with games or for emojis and whatever for the most part.

Enjoy your stay here at PokéForce though! 💝
  • Haha
Reactions: Erika
welcome bluebird! really looking forward to the game aswell