How do you like to view guides?

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Novice Trainer
Dec 8, 2023
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I plan on making a guide for this game in the future. From Pokémon locations to quests, from headbutt locations to item locations. While I have my own preference on how guides should be on a personal level, I am interested in which format the community prefers to view guides.

  • Google Spreadsheet
  • Unofficial Wiki
  • Discord Channels (In a separate discord server)
  • PokéForce Forum
  • Other (Specify in comments)

Whatever has the most interest and/or the best arguments for said format, I will probably use that going forward. I am looking for as much feedback as possible, so please write down what you prefer below!

Thanks for your engagement!
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Reactions: Kai, Jack and Kupo
I've always found that guides on the forum are easier for me to keep track of, and for me to find when I'm in need, as well as being functionally appealing and just plain visually appealing if use of formatting is done correctly with the tools given.

So on a ease of access level and on the aesthetic level, I believe that the forums in the best place and tailor made for content like this. I still have old PokeMMO guides saved that I use to this day in the depths of the forums, but I can't confidently say everyone is like me, so I'll be interested to see what others say.
an unofficial wiki or spreadsheet alongside a forum guide sounds really nice
I think we should actively try to support the forums by dumping all of our future PokeForce guides here!

This way the forum will get more active members and who knows it might attract new players to the forums!
Forums, best way to keep track of guides. And you could just link people that are looking for them the forum links in game or on discord.
i think on the forums, like mostly everyone else said, it'd look nice as well on here
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