A: The game isn't out yet, and we currently don't have a release date. In the meantime, we'll have both closed beta tests and open Demos of the game. The next Demo will be April 29th 2025, be sure not to miss out!
A: Yes, Android support is planned for launch, while iOS support will be available further down the road. Our focus right now is on the Desktop client, while we ensure that our game play systems are up to scratch.
A: No. If we feel there is space on the Development Team, we'll take the time to seek out and contact suitable candidates ourselves.
A: We have taken all necessary measures to ensure that our operations comply with the law. When downloading the PokéForce client, you will be prompted to provide the ROMs for Fire Red, Black and HeartGold, and the client will extract the required data for downloading copyrighted assets. As a result, we will not be distributing any of Nintendo's intellectual property when launching or during our tech demos.
A: No, as mentioned earlier, we are operating within the boundaries of copyright laws. We offer a client that can read and manipulate ROMs at runtime. Emulators are considered legal, and PokéForce can be viewed as an emulator when its code is analyzed and broken down.
A: If the situation arises where the court payments become unmanageable or running the game is no longer viable, we would choose to open-source the client and server. In such a scenario, the project would proceed to its conclusion, and the method of completion would no longer be a concern for me personally.
A: No, there is no reference to Pokémon in the client or server code, and it is all original code. We have the right to release it as we deem appropriate, without infringing on any copyright issues.
A: No. Beta Tests are carried out by a closed group on experimental builds of the game, with the specific intent of finding as many bugs and problems as possible. Demos are open to everyone and meant to give the community a taste for the final product, as well as gather feedback and have a good time together!
A: The next demo is planned for April 29th 2025. Keep an eye on the Announcements channel of our Discord Server!
A: No, but there are a few exceptions. Participating in a Demo will award your account with a corresponding special badge, that you will be able to carry over to the finished game! We might also offer special cosmetics that you will be able to keep once the game launches, like the Delibird Hat and Summer Outfit we gave away during our 2023 Christmas Demo and 2024 Summer Demo respectively!
A: First, make sure applications are open. Then, head over to the Beta Programme Applications section and post one by following the Application Format. Please note that being a Beta Tester is not required to participate in the Demos.
A: Yes! The username(s) you created on our forums will indeed be your in-game accounts as well. We will have a lot of authentication including ensuring all your badges (tickets, event items, demo and event badges) will be applied to your account upon launch. Did you receive a special Demo ticket? This will be applied to your Trainer Card on launch!
A: We currently are not accepting donations, but we'll be happy to once the game releases. It wouldn't feel right to accept your money without first delivering a finished product.
A: There's no limit to the number of accounts you can create. However, simultaneous play will likely be limited to 3 accounts per IP.
A: In the event of a game shutdown, you would have the opportunity to obtain a copy of your account. Your data belongs to you, and you can request a copy of it (after verifying your ownership) at any time you desire.
A: This is a fun one! We'll feature Johto as our first region, but it has been HEAVILY customized in our own imagination for an MMORPG. Our stories will be completely custom, and our version of Johto will reflect that. We have a lot of cool stuff planned for our maps, so it'll feel fresh yet familiar to you all.
A: Definitely a mix between the two. The player will be able to do quite a lot of exploring and varied gameplay right off the hop, but Class stories and Quest storylines will be linear.
A: A few vehicles will be available to the player: Bikes, Motorbikes, Boats and Rafts. Fly will be available further along the players progression line. We even have plans for a limited use Air Taxi system!
A: Although the game will be set in the Johto region, the story will be completely original, taking place 17 years after the facts of the original Gold and Silver games!
A: While the game will feature many areas aimed to engage players in cooperative efforts, the presence of a cooperative mode for the story itself is yet to be determined
A: The Class System will determine a player's main gameplay loop and Class based story quests. For example, the Trainer class is based around training Pokémon and completing the Gym Challenge, while the Artisan class will be centered around crafting, construction, and becoming an economic powerhouse.
A: At the moment we have five classes planned for release: Trainer, Artisan, Ranger, Farmhand and Rancher. Regarding additional Classes, it all depends if we see space to establish new solid gameplay loops and stories in the world of PokéForce.
A: Yes. Classes will be permanently tied to your character, as they directly dictate your progression and storyline. On release, Class tutorials will be available, allowing you to test out which one best suits your play style.
A: The Skill System is a way for us to add a variety of gameplay mechanics which will give the player a wider range of play. They are comparable to Life Skills that are found in other MMOs.
A: The available skills will be Mining, Fishing, Foraging, Farming, Archaeology, Crafting, Cooking and Construction!
A: Yes, each skill will have leveled tiers with different bonuses attributed to them. There may even be special cosmetics awarded to those that hit max level!
A: The Pokémon Needs System is a mechanic that will make your Pokémon more akin to Pets. Battling with them will wear them out over time, requiring the player to take moments to feed and care for them. This will play nicely with the Camping Mechanic we have planned. The Needs System as well as most other custom systems will not be present in Ranked PvP, as to keep the playing field as recognizable as possible to the community.
A: We plan on making this as enjoyable as possible, the aim isn’t to bog the player down. Vigorous testing and changes will be made in order to ensure the mechanic is rewarding and fun.
A: The Johto release roster is comprised of a majority of Generation 1, all of Generation 2 and some of Generation 3 and 4. More Pokémon will be released over time alongside their Regions.
A: PokéForce will be much more challenging than the average vanilla released game. The Gym Challenge itself will be much more difficult in comparison.
A: They will be obtainable but will not be a permanent catch. Legendary Pokémon will play the roles of Dungeon Bosses. We will be giving them a hefty boost in stats and abilities in order to make them a fair challenge against the player base. Each Legendary will host its own unique ability the player will have limited time to exploit.
A: They will be Zelda-esque in nature featuring puzzles, tool and equipment specific gates, key locked doors, Bosses, Mini-bosses and other interesting challenges. Dungeons will be present at release, and more will be added at a later date.
A: HMs have been replaced with multiple Tools, Equipment and Vehicles the Player can utilize. I.e. Lantern replaces Flash, Pickaxe replaces Rock Smash, Raft replaces Surf and so on.
A: Yes, Horde Battles and Swarms will be mechanics in PokéForce.
A: Seasons are a complex mechanic that require multiple tile sheets per season. IF we do add Seasons, it will be a post-release update.
A: We plan on having all sorts of events throughout the year. Our Community Guide team have been hard at work developing a lot of engaging and fun events for the future.
A: Yes, there will be Achievements, Leaderboards and earnable Titles on release.
A: Mod support is currently to be announced.
A: Our battle engine will be based on Generation 7 mechanics.
A: PvP will function on a usage-based tier system. There will be one main tier, OU, and lower tiers will be decided on usage, with a cutoff for rises and drops on a periodic basis. Tiers like LC and Monotype will be unaffected by this usage-based system.
A: For the most part, our stats and move sets are all pulled from the ROMs and will be altered to match Generation 7's mechanics. Enraged Pokémon and Legendaries, however, will have altered stats and mechanics.
A: We plan on including Mega Evolutions, details are to be announced!
A: Yes, vanilla hidden abilities will be available, as well as new types of Hidden Follower Skills.
A: The Move Tutors will be available throughout the region, locked behind quests the player will need to complete in order to obtain the Moves.
A: The Breeding Mechanic is yet to be announced.
A: This mechanic is yet to be announced.
A: This mechanic is yet to be announced.
A: Our Shiny rate is 1:20480, with a pity system.
A: After you've encountered 200 of the same species of Pokémon, subsequent encounters will reduce the Shiny rate by 1 point per encounter, with a maximum cap of 250, reducing the rate to 1/20,230. Once a Shiny Pokémon is found, the Shiny Rate for that species will revert to normal.
A: There will be multiple avenues for Shunting, many tried and true methods as well as some new ones based out of our own custom gameplay mechanics. Details are to be announced!
A: Shinies can and will spawn in both Grass Encounters and Overworld Spawns. Overworld spawns are local, so you won’t have to worry about another Player swooping in for the steal.
A: No, all Shinies will be vanilla.
A: We will feature a GTL, however, details on it are to be announced.
A: We will feature a Job Board system that will allow Players to do small tasks for PokéYen. Gym Reruns will be available but will not be the only viable method of earning cash.
A: Players will be able to sell and trade their belongings for PokéYen, either through GTL, Casual trade, or Vending mats in their Campsites and Bazaar areas.
A: Yes, player Housing is a something we're working on and have planned for the game. However, we still have to determine if it's going to be implemented at launch or at a later time.
A: Yes, Secret Bases will be a feature included in our Wilderness Areas. Unlike player Housing, these bases are temporary and act as a form of shelter from the Wilderness PvP.
A: You will absolutely be able to customize your characters. Hairstyles, Clothing, as well as UI elements will have many custom options for you to enjoy.
A: Cosmetics for specific Pokémon are planned, the presence of Mounts is still to be determined!
A: Yes. During the course of the game, we will hold large scale monthslong events. These events will come with exclusive cosmetics that will no longer be available outside of Player Trading once they have concluded. However, most cosmetics will be available all the time, or will make a seasonal reappearance.
This FAQ will constantly be updated to reflect new information and changes that might happen during the development of the game.
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