PokéForce - Q3 State of the Game, Demo Confirmation


Studio Director
Nov 24, 2023
Reaction score
Welcome PokéForce, to our Quarter 3 State of the Game!

The Staff Team and I are really excited to go over the exciting changes we've gone through since our State Of The Game: Q2 Announcement, and we would also like to give you some more information on our upcoming Demo!

From finishing up our Godot transition, to hosting our Beta Tester Programme, establishing core community fundamentals, and to now finally moving into polishing stages for the upcoming Demo, there's a lot to sink our teeth into. So, without further ado, let us begin!

Godot Transition Status: Complete
The last time we discussed our transition to Godot, we had some exciting news in store in regards to learning how Godot works fundamentally and how we can leverage that into making the game faster and with a higher level of polish.

We briefly went over how developing UI, and core systems such as multi-player was still in progress, but since we picked back up at the end of April, things have been rolling fast. The contrast from our old LibGDX client to our new Godot client is quite literally, night & day.

Since our last Godot transition update, we've since added:

  • Support for Data Type Definitions
    This includes things such as Resource Nodes, Items, NPCs, Modals, Emotes, Animations, Varbits, Clothing, and Dialogue.

  • Fully-featured Bag system, including a Hotbar for quick use of items
    This works very similar to Stardew Valley, where you'll use tools and items from your hotbar to interact with the game.

  • Fully-functioning Lighting System
    You'll see these effects in their fullest potential in places such as Dark Cave, or at Night in the overworld!

  • Various cores of Skills
    So far, we've added the ability to engage in Mining, Foraging (including Woodcutting), and Farming.

  • Overworld Wild Pokémon
    These instanced Pokémon can show up and appear on the overworld while you're playing the game, giving you another option to Shiny Hunt, as well as breathe some life into the maps.

  • Different Movement Types
    New movement types include Running, Biking, Rafting, and Jumping. Purchase or discover the relevant vehicle items and take yourself to new areas.

  • Clothing System
    Instead of just picking your clothing out from cosmetic hell that would be a UI, you can now equip clothing directly from your Bag, or visit Boutiques to purchase new clothing types. So, clothing now acts as an item rather than a random "style" you own in a tucked-away UI.

  • Marts
    These are Silph Co. owned Marts found in each major city, and will stock basic trainer supplies such as Poké Balls, or healing items.

  • Equipment System
    This differs from our Cosmetic system, where you'll be able to equip more permanent tools such as a Lantern, or Exo-Gauntlets. You'll need to manage which equipment you're bringing with you while exploring PokeForce, so make sure to plan ahead!

  • Main Menu System
    This also works very similar to Stardew Valley, where you can access most of your general information such as your Party, Main Bag, Quests, Trainer Card, Skills & Achievements, and Game Settings.

  • Local Shops
    Different from Silph Co.-owned Marts, these Local Shops are spread around the map and sell artisan goods or items that a trainer might need to progress through the game.

  • Day/Night Cycle
    A fully featured Day/Night cycle that will determine what type of content is available. The current phases are Dawn, Morning, Day, Dusk, and Night.

  • Support for a new Dialogue System that is code-free
    This one is very exciting, as it has allowed our Designers who aren't familiar with code to help assist with adding all the dialogue required for quests, or game interactions!

  • Vastly improved Server Core
    This was a personal project of mine, where we tossed out our old server core for something a bit more reliable. I'm pretty happy to announce that it has been extremely stable in our Beta Programme, and we've yet to run into any stability issues that are a direct effect of the core itself. I've been able to leave the server up for days on end without so much as a hitch! What's even cooler is that it runs on a clean 200MB of Memory. I was able to do some local tests with over 2000 players, and we were getting under 12 millisecond cycle times, so it'll be fun to see how it performs in a real-world Demo!


There has also been a lot of work being put into the game itself to make it feel smooth, and general Quality of Life enhancements that we didn't see in our LibGDX client. The most exciting addition has been the extra support for Controllers going into the game, making the game feel natural while playing with a Controller. This is great news as we look forward to working on our Mobile ports since we'll need to ensure that Mobile controls are as seamless as it is on PC.

Godot has been a fantastic change for the team, and as we continue to keep learning the intricacies of the Engine itself, we'll be able to keep pushing the limits of what a Pokémon game can be. All that's left is to finish up what we're adding for this Demo, and you'll be able to come try the changes yourself!

PokéForce Beta Programme
Since our last major announcement on our Discord regarding the Beta Programme, I'm also happy to report that it has been a "smashing" success, with our Beta Testers helping to significantly improve the game in all facets. The team and I have been hard at work addressing the bugs that have been reported, listening to feedback, and playtesting the game, and the difference from when we initially launched the Beta to them, to now has made me extremely confident in how the game is coming along.

I've also been approached multiple times to see if there was still room on the Beta Programme, or if we'll be opening applications any time soon, and I just want to stress that we started with a select core group of testers for the pre-Demo to address things on a more personal level. I will be opening applications back up post-Demo and will be a bit more lenient with how many people are coming into the Programme. Of course, the whole goal of the Programme is to find bugs, and improve the game as a whole, so please don't expect to come into the Programme and consider it "early access".

That being said, all Beta Testers who contribute to the overall improvement of the game will be awarded our new Beta Tester Badge, which will be displayed on their Trainer Cards once we launch. There are no other added benefits to being a part of our Beta Programme.


Game FAQ
Recently, our gracious Staff Team worked together to compile a comprehensive Gameplay FAQ, of which you can also consult the Chinese and Spanish versions! More translations are in the works, like a Turkish and Italian one.

You'll be able to find various answers to frequently asked questions, and perhaps some new information that you didn't know about! Give this a good read-over to find out what to expect for PokéForce!

Please, keep in mind that this document will be constantly updated to reflect the new information and changes that will happen during the development of the game!


PokéForce Team Updates
We're happy to announce the following additions to our team:
  • @Lambo joins the team as a new Moderator, and as a liaison with our Chinese Community working alongside @MuZi
  • @Kesshoketsu has returned to the team in an Administrative capacity
  • @Fizz has transferred over to the Moderation team
  • @Lucina joins the team as a Community Guide, helping to prepare and manage events
  • @Kenoxy joins the Development team as a Sprite Artist!

Please give them a warm welcome and thank them for their relentless pursuit of helping us make PokéForce the best Pokémon MMO game yet!

Unfortunately, we've had to say goodbye to the following people:
  • @Kat has left for personal reasons
  • @Lucy has left for personal reasons
  • @Kazenco has left for personal reasons
    We wish them luck in their future endeavors!

PokéForce Summer Demo!
With all of the updates out of the way, it is with my pleasure to announce that we are confirming the Summer Demo to be happening in the month of August! There are a couple last minute things we're still working tirelessly on such as getting our Battle Engine up and running, and implementing the last bits of content we've got planned for the Demo, but we are very happy to report that we are on track for the Demo to go live this August!

We are planning to host this Demo for a total of 2 weeks which should give everyone enough time to experience everything we have to offer this time around, as well as obtain our super-secret Summer Demo Cosmetic! Similar to our Delibird Hat, you'll be able to finish all of the content in this Demo, and obtain a permanent tradable Cosmetic that will attach itself to your account and be available to you once we launch.

Once we've got the intricacies of our Battle Engine worked out, we'll be confirming the date of the Demo, as well as the Cosmetic involved, but gear up PokéForce, we are closer than ever to hosting our next Demo! The team is extremely excited for you to try this one out, as it really starts to set in stone what we plan the game to look like for launch; and gives you a taste of what we are putting together.

Sneak Peeks and Closing Remarks
The team and I just want to thank each and every one of you for your continued support through this project! It has been a dream come true for a lot of us to make this game, and we're just as excited as you are to make it a reality! Of course, it wouldn't be possible without such a lovely community, and so it's you that we're excited for the most. We hope that we can deliver on the expectations we have not only set out for ourselves but for you. <3

That's all from us this time, so please enjoy this collection of screenshots and GIFs that have been collected during Development and get ready for the best Demo that PokéForce has seen yet!



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从完成我们的Godot系统过渡,到举办我们的 Beta 测试员计划,建立核心社区基础,再到现在终于进入即将到来的演示的完善阶段,有很多东西需要我们深入研究。所以,事不宜迟,让我们开始吧!

Godot 过渡状态:完成
上一次我们讨论将游戏数据过渡到Godot时,我们有一些令人兴奋的消息。关于了解 Godot 的基本工作原理以及如何利用它使游戏运行得更快、更精致。

我们简要介绍了 UI (用户界面)和核心系统(如多人游戏)的开发情况,但自从我们在 4 月底重新开始以来,事情进展得很快。我们的旧 LibGDX 客户端与我们的新 Godot 客户端之间的对比简直是天壤之别。

自上次 Godot 过渡更新以来,我们添加了:

  • 支持数据类型定义
  • 功能齐全的背包系统,包括可快速使用物品的快捷栏
    这与星露谷物语 (Stardew Valley) 非常相似,您可以使用快捷栏中的工具和物品与游戏互动。

  • 功能齐全的照明系统

  • 各种核心技能

  • 野生明雷宝可梦

  • 不同的运动类型

  • 时装系统
    现在,您无需从 UI(用户界面) 的化妆间中挑选服装,而是可以直接从背包中装备服装,或访问精品商店购买新服装类型。因此,时装现在是一种物品,而不是隐藏在 UI(用户界面) 中的随机“款式”。

  • 集市

  • 装备系统
    这与我们的装饰系统不同,在装饰系统中,您可以装备永久的工具,例如灯笼或外护手。在探索 PokeForce 时,您需要管理随身携带的装备,因此请务必提前计划!

  • 主菜单系统

  • 本地商店

  • 昼/夜循环

  • 支持无需代码的新对话系统

  • 大大改进的服务器核心
    这是我的个人项目,我们抛弃了旧的服务器核心,换上更可靠的服务器核心。我很高兴地宣布,它在我们的 Beta测试 计划中非常稳定,我们还没有遇到任何由核心本身直接影响的稳定性问题。我能够连续几天让服务器运行,没有任何故障!更酷的是,它运行在干净的 200MB 内存上。我能够与超过 2000 名玩家进行一些本地测试,我们的循环时间不到 12 毫秒,所以看看它在真实演示中的表现会很有趣!
    1722048172710.png我们还对游戏本身进行了大量改进,使其感觉流畅,并提升了我们在 LibGDX 客户端中没有看到的一般生活质量。最令人兴奋的新增功能是对游戏控制器的额外支持,使使用控制器玩游戏时感觉很自然。这是一个好消息,因为我们期待着开发我们的移动端口,因为我们需要确保移动控件与 PC 上的一样无缝。

    Godot 对团队来说是一个了不起的改变,随着我们继续学习引擎本身的复杂性,我们将能够不断突破 Pokémon 游戏的极限。剩下的就是完成我们为这个演示添加的内容,然后您就可以亲自尝试这些变化了!

PokéForce 测试计划
自从我们上次在Discord上发布有关测试 计划的重要公告以来,我很高兴地报告说,这是一个“巨大的”成功,我们的 Beta 测试人员帮助显著改善了游戏的各个方面。团队和我一直在努力解决已报告的错误,听取反馈,并对游戏进行测试,从我们最初向他们推出 Beta 版到现在的变化让我对游戏的进展非常有信心。

我也曾多次被问及 Beta 计划是否还有空位,或者我们是否会很快开放申请,我只想强调,我们在测试中从一组精选的核心测试人员开始,以更个人化的方式解决问题。我将在演示后重新开放申请,并对加入该计划的人数稍微宽容一些。当然,该计划的整个目的是发现游戏错误,并整体改善游戏,所以请不要指望加入该计划并将其视为“抢先体验”。





您将能够找到常见问题的各种答案,也许还有一些您不知道的新信息!仔细阅读一下,了解 PokéForce 的一些基本期望!



PokéForce 团队更新
@Lambo 作为新的版主加入团队,并作为联络人与我们华人社区一起工作,与 @MuZi 一起工作
@Kesshoketsu 以管理员身份返回团队
@Fizz 已转入版主团队
@Lucina 以社区指南的身份加入团队,帮助准备和管理活动
@Kenoxy y以精灵艺术家的身份加入开发团队!

请热烈欢迎他们,并感谢他们不懈地追求帮助我们将 PokéForce 打造成迄今为止最好的 Pokémon MMO 游戏!

@Kat 因个人原因离开
@Lucy 因个人原因离开
@Kazenco 因个人原因离开


在所有更新完成后,我很高兴地宣布,我们确认夏季测试将于 8 月举行!我们仍在不知疲倦地完成一些最后时刻的事情,例如启动和运行我们的战斗引擎,以及实现我们为演示计划的最后几部分内容,但我们非常高兴地报告,我们正在按计划进行演示,将于今年 8 月上线!


一旦我们搞定了战斗引擎的复杂细节,我们就会确认测试的日期以及所涉及的装饰,但准备好 PokéForce,我们比以往任何时候都更接近举办下一次测试!团队非常高兴您尝试这个,因为它真正开始确定我们计划的游戏发布的样子;并让您体验我们正在整合的内容。



这次我们就先讲到这里,所以请欣赏我们在开发过程中收集的这些截图和 GIF,为 PokéForce 迄今为止最好的演示做好准备!


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¡Bienvenidos, comunidad de PokéForce, al tercer trimestre de Avances del Juego!

El equipo de Staff y yo estamos muy emocionados de presentar los geniales cambios por los que hemos pasado desde nuestro anuncio de segundo trimestre de Avances del Juego, ¡además de que queremos darles más información respecto a nuestra próxima Demo!

Desde haber concluido nuestra transición a Godot, a llevar a cabo el Programa de Pruebas Beta, a establecer los fundamentos base para nuestra comunidad, y ahora al llegar por fin a las etapas de toques finales para la próxima Demo, hay muchas cosas de qué hablar. ¡Así pues, sin más preámbulos, comencemos!

Estado de la Transición a Godot: Finalizado
La última vez que hablamos sobre nuestra transición a Godot, teníamos preparadas algunas emocionantes noticias sobre el aprender el funcionamiento base de Godot y el cómo podemos utilizarlo para hacer que el juego sea más rápido y que cuente con un mayor nivel de calidad.

Hablamos brevemente sobre como el desarrollo de la Interfaz de Usuario (UI), y funciones básicas del juego, como el multijugador, estaban aún en proceso, no obstante, desde que retomamos el proyecto a finales de abril, las cosas han ido avanzando con rapidez. Las diferencias entre nuestro antiguo cliente de LibGDX y nuestro nuevo cliente de Godot son, literalmente, como el día y la noche.

Desde el último reporte de nuestra transición a Godot, hemos añadido:

  • Soporte para Definiciones de Tipos de Datos
    Esto incluye cosas como Nodos de Recursos, Objetos, NPCs, Modales, Emotes, Animaciones, Varbits, Ropa, y Diálogos.

  • Sistema de Mochila completamente funcional, incluyendo una barra de acceso rápido para objetos
    Esto funciona de forma muy similar a Stardew Valley, en cuanto a que usarás herramientas y objetos desde tu barra de acceso rápido para interactuar con el juego.

  • Sistema de Iluminación completamente funcional
    ¡Verás estos efectos en su máximo potencial en lugares como la Cueva Oscura, o durante la Noche en el mapa!

  • Funciones base de Habilidades
    Hasta ahora, hemos añadido la posibilidad de realizar Minería, Recolección (incluyendo Tala), y Agricultura.

  • Pokémon Salvajes en el Mapa
    Estos Pokémon, que solo tú puedes ver, aparecerán en el mapa mientras juegas, brindándote otra opción al cazar Shinies, así como para darle más vida a los mapas.

  • Diferentes Tipos de Movimiento
    Los nuevos tipos de movimiento incluyen Correr, andar en Bicicleta o en Balsa, y Saltar. Compra o encuentra los vehículos necesarios para abrirte paso a través de nuevas áreas.

  • Sistema de Ropa
    En lugar de escoger tu ropa desde el infierno cosmético que sería una Interfaz de Usuario, ahora puedes equipar tu ropa directamente desde tu Mochila, o visitar Boutiques para comprar nuevos tipos de ropa. En otras palabras, la ropa ahora funciona como un objeto, en lugar de simplemente un "estilo" que posees en una Interfaz de Usuario difícil de acceder.

  • Mercados
    Estos son mercados propiedad de Silph Co. que se encuentran cada una de las ciudades más importantes, y estarán abastecidos de suministros básicos para entrenadores, como Poké Balls u objetos de curación.

  • Sistema de Equipamiento
    A diferencia de nuestro sistema de Cosméticos, en este podrás equiparte con herramientas más permanentes, como una Linterna o los Exo-Guantes. ¡Deberás gestionar el equipamiento que llevas contigo mientras exploras PokéForce, así que asegúrate de planear con anticipación!

  • Sistema de Menú Principal
    Esto también funciona de forma muy similar a Stardew Valley, en cuanto a que te permitirá acceder a la mayoría de tu información general, como tu Equipo Pokémon, tu Mochila, Misiones, Tarjeta de Entrenador, Habilidades y Logros, e incluso a los Ajustes del Juego.

  • Tiendas Locales
    A diferencia de los Mercados de Silph Co., estas Tiendas Locales se encuentran esparcidas por todo el mapa, y venden productos artesanales u objetos que los entrenadores podrían necesitar para avanzar en el juego.

  • Ciclo de Día y Noche
    Un ciclo de Día y Noche completamente funcional, el cual determinará qué tipo de contenido estará disponible. Las fases actuales son Amanecer, Mañana, Día, Atardecer y Noche.

  • Soporte para un nuevo Sistema de Diálogos que no requiere código
    ¡Este punto es muy emocionante, pues le ha permitido a nuestros Diseñadores que no estén familiarizados con la programación el apoyar en añadir todos los diálogos necesarios para las misiones, o las interacciones del juego!

  • Núcleo del Servidor ampliamente mejorado
    Esto era uno de mis proyectos personales, en el que nos deshicimos de nuestro antiguo núcleo del servidor a cambio de algo un poco más confiable. Me siento muy feliz de anunciar que ha sido extremadamente estable durante nuestro Programa Beta, y hasta ahora no nos hemos encontrado con ningún problema de estabilidad que sea a causa directa del núcleo en sí. ¡He podido dejar activo el servidor durante días y días sin ningún problema! La mejor parte es que funciona únicamente con 200MB de memoria. Pude realizar unas pruebas simulando a más de 2000 jugadores, y obteníamos tiempos de ciclo por debajo de los 12 milisegundos, ¡así que será interesante ver cómo se desempeña durante una Demo de verdad!


También se ha trabajado mucho en hacer que el juego se sienta más fluido, a la vez que se han añadido varias mejoras generales de optimización que no se vieron en nuestro liente de LibGDX. De lo más emocionante que hemos añadido al juego han sido las mejoras del soporte para Controles, a fin de que jugar con uno se sienta más natural. Estas son muy buenas noticias de cara a trabajar en la versión de Móvil, puesto que nos debemos asegurar de que los controles de Móvil sean tan fluidos como lo son en PC.

Godot ha sido un fantástico cambio para el equipo, y al mismo tiempo en que seguimos aprendiendo las complejidades de este motor, estaremos rompiendo los límites de lo que puede llegar a ser un juego de Pokémon. ¡Todo lo que resta es darle los toques finales a lo que añadiremos para esta Demo, y luego podrán venir a probar estos cambios por ustedes mismos!

Programa Beta de PokéForce
Desde el último anuncio en nuestro Discord sobre el Programa Beta, es de mi agrado informar que ha sido un rotundo éxito, en el que nuestros Beta Testers nos han estado ayudando a mejorar el juego en todos los aspectos. El equipo y yo hemos estado trabajando arduamente en encargarnos de los bugs que se han reportado, escuchando la retroalimentación y probando el juego. La diferencia entre cuando abrimos la Beta para ellos inicialmente y ahora, me ha dado muchísima confianza en la forma en que el juego está avanzando.

También se me ha consultado en múltiples ocasiones sobre si aún hay espacio en el Programa Beta, o sobre si volveremos a abrir aplicaciones en un futuro cercano, a lo que me gustaría recalcar que comenzamos con un grupo selecto de personas para probar el juego antes de la Demo con el objetivo de encargarnos de las cosas en un nivel más personal. Volveré a abrir aplicaciones después de la Demo, y seré más flexible con la cantidad de gente que entra al Programa. Aunque por supuesto, el objetivo del Programa Beta es encontrar bugs y mejorar el juego en todos sus aspectos, así que, por favor no esperen entrar al Programa bajo la idea de que es un "acceso temprano".

Dicho esto, todos los Beta Testers que contribuyan al mejoramiento del juego serán recompensados con nuestra nueva Medalla de Beta Tester, la cual aparecerá en sus Tarjetas de Entrenador una vez que el juego salga. No hay ningún otro beneficio en ser parte de nuestro Programa Beta.


Preguntas frecuentes del juego (FAQ)
Hace poco, nuestro atento Equipo de Staff trabajó en conjunto para recopilar una amplia Página de Preguntas Frecuentes, ¡de la cual también pueden consultar las versiones en chino y español! Otras traducciones están en proceso, como lo son en turco e italiano.

¡Ahí podrás encontrar una gran cantidad de respuestas para preguntas que suelen presentarse muy a menudo, y quizá incluso información nueva de la cual no tenías idea! ¡Dale una buena leída para enterarte de lo que puedes esperar en PokéForce!

¡Por favor, toma en cuenta que este documento estará siendo actualizado con frecuencia para reflejar la nueva información y los cambios que ocurran durante el desarrollo del juego!


Actualizaciones en el Equipo de PokéForce
Nos alegra informar sobre las siguientes adiciones a nuestro equipo:
  • @Lambo se une al equipo como un nuevo Moderador, y como intermediario con nuestra comunidad china, junto con @MuZi
  • @Kesshoketsu ha vuelto a unirse al equipo, ahora como Administrador
  • @Fizz ha sido transferido al equipo de Moderación
  • @Lucina se une al equipo de Guías de Comunidad, para ayudar a crear y administrar eventos
  • ¡@Kenoxy se une al equipo de Desarrollo como Artista de Sprites!

¡Por favor, démosles una cálida bienvenida y agradezcamos su incansable dedicación para ayudarnos en hacer de PokéForce el mejor MMO de Pokémon hasta la fecha!

Desafortunadamente, tuvimos que decir adiós a las siguientes personas:
  • @Kat se ha ido por motivos personales
  • @Lucy se ha ido por motivos personales
  • @Kazenco se ha ido por motivos personales
    ¡Les deseamos la mejor suerte en sus proyectos futuros!

¡Demo de verano de PokéForce!
Habiendo concluido con las actualizaciones, ¡es de mi agrado anunciar que a partir de ahora, confirmamos que la Demo de verano tendrá lugar durante el mes de agosto! Aún hay algunos detalles de última hora en los que aún estamos trabajando arduamente, como en tener listo nuestro Motor de Batallas, así como también en implementar las últimas partes del contenido que tenemos planeado para la Demo, no obstante, ¡estamos muy contentos de informar que nos encontramos en muy buen camino para que la Demo salga durante este agosto!

Tenemos planeado tener abierta la Demo durante un total de 2 semanas, lo que debería darle a todo el mundo tiempo suficiente para experimentar con todo lo que tenemos para ofrecer en esta ocasión, así como también para obtener nuestro exclusivo Cosmético de la Demo de verano! De manera similar al Sombrero Delibird, tendrás la posibilidad de completar todo el contenido en esta Demo, y obtener de forma permanente un cosmético intercambiable que se aplicará a tu cuenta y estará disponible para ti una vez que el juego salga.

Una vez que tengamos claras todas las complejidades de nuestro Motor de Batallas, revelaremos la fecha de la Demo, así como el Cosmético en cuestión, ¡pero prepárense PokéForce, pues estamos más cerca que nunca de llevar a cabo nuestra próxima Demo! El equipo está muy emocionado con la idea de que todos ustedes puedan probar lo que se viene, pues esto empezará a establecer el cómo planeamos que el juego luzca una vez que salga, y les dará una muestra de las cosas en las que estamos trabajando.

Vistazos al juego y Comentarios Finales
¡El equipo y yo queremos agradecer a todos y cada uno de ustedes por su continuo apoyo a lo largo de este proyecto! ¡Para muchos de nosotros ha sido un sueño hecho realidad el trabajar en este juego, por lo que estamos tan emocionados como ustedes con la idea de volverlo una realidad! Pero claro, no habría sido posible sin una comunidad tan increíble, por lo que gran parte de nuestra emoción son todos ustedes. Esperamos cumplir con las expectativas que hemos fijado, no solo para nosotros, sino también hacia ustedes. <3

¡Eso es todo de parte nuestra en esta ocasión, así que por favor, disfruten esta colección de capturas de pantalla y GIFs que hemos ido recopilando durante el desarrollo del juego, y preparémonos para la mejor Demo que haya visto PokéForce hasta ahora!



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Welcome PokéForce, to our Quarter 3 State of the Game!

The Staff Team and I are really excited to go over the exciting changes we've gone through since our State Of The Game: Q2 Announcement, and we would also like to give you some more information on our upcoming Demo!

From finishing up our Godot transition, to hosting our Beta Tester Programme, establishing core community fundamentals, and to now finally moving into polishing stages for the upcoming Demo, there's a lot to sink our teeth into. So, without further ado, let us begin!

Godot Transition Status: Complete
The last time we discussed our transition to Godot, we had some exciting news in store in regards to learning how Godot works fundamentally and how we can leverage that into making the game faster and with a higher level of polish.

We briefly went over how developing UI, and core systems such as multi-player was still in progress, but since we picked back up at the end of April, things have been rolling fast. The contrast from our old LibGDX client to our new Godot client is quite literally, night & day.

Since our last Godot transition update, we've since added:

  • Support for Data Type Definitions
    This includes things such as Resource Nodes, Items, NPCs, Modals, Emotes, Animations, Varbits, Clothing, and Dialogue.

  • Fully-featured Bag system, including a Hotbar for quick use of items
    This works very similar to Stardew Valley, where you'll use tools and items from your hotbar to interact with the game.

  • Fully-functioning Lighting System
    You'll see these effects in their fullest potential in places such as Dark Cave, or at Night in the overworld!

  • Various cores of Skills
    So far, we've added the ability to engage in Mining, Foraging (including Woodcutting), and Farming.

  • Overworld Wild Pokémon
    These instanced Pokémon can show up and appear on the overworld while you're playing the game, giving you another option to Shiny Hunt, as well as breathe some life into the maps.

  • Different Movement Types
    New movement types include Running, Biking, Rafting, and Jumping. Purchase or discover the relevant vehicle items and take yourself to new areas.

  • Clothing System
    Instead of just picking your clothing out from cosmetic hell that would be a UI, you can now equip clothing directly from your Bag, or visit Boutiques to purchase new clothing types. So, clothing now acts as an item rather than a random "style" you own in a tucked-away UI.

  • Marts
    These are Silph Co. owned Marts found in each major city, and will stock basic trainer supplies such as Poké Balls, or healing items.

  • Equipment System
    This differs from our Cosmetic system, where you'll be able to equip more permanent tools such as a Lantern, or Exo-Gauntlets. You'll need to manage which equipment you're bringing with you while exploring PokeForce, so make sure to plan ahead!

  • Main Menu System
    This also works very similar to Stardew Valley, where you can access most of your general information such as your Party, Main Bag, Quests, Trainer Card, Skills & Achievements, and Game Settings.

  • Local Shops
    Different from Silph Co.-owned Marts, these Local Shops are spread around the map and sell artisan goods or items that a trainer might need to progress through the game.

  • Day/Night Cycle
    A fully featured Day/Night cycle that will determine what type of content is available. The current phases are Dawn, Morning, Day, Dusk, and Night.

  • Support for a new Dialogue System that is code-free
    This one is very exciting, as it has allowed our Designers who aren't familiar with code to help assist with adding all the dialogue required for quests, or game interactions!

  • Vastly improved Server Core
    This was a personal project of mine, where we tossed out our old server core for something a bit more reliable. I'm pretty happy to announce that it has been extremely stable in our Beta Programme, and we've yet to run into any stability issues that are a direct effect of the core itself. I've been able to leave the server up for days on end without so much as a hitch! What's even cooler is that it runs on a clean 200MB of Memory. I was able to do some local tests with over 2000 players, and we were getting under 12 millisecond cycle times, so it'll be fun to see how it performs in a real-world Demo!

View attachment 1325

There has also been a lot of work being put into the game itself to make it feel smooth, and general Quality of Life enhancements that we didn't see in our LibGDX client. The most exciting addition has been the extra support for Controllers going into the game, making the game feel natural while playing with a Controller. This is great news as we look forward to working on our Mobile ports since we'll need to ensure that Mobile controls are as seamless as it is on PC.

Godot has been a fantastic change for the team, and as we continue to keep learning the intricacies of the Engine itself, we'll be able to keep pushing the limits of what a Pokémon game can be. All that's left is to finish up what we're adding for this Demo, and you'll be able to come try the changes yourself!

PokéForce Beta Programme
Since our last major announcement on our Discord regarding the Beta Programme, I'm also happy to report that it has been a "smashing" success, with our Beta Testers helping to significantly improve the game in all facets. The team and I have been hard at work addressing the bugs that have been reported, listening to feedback, and playtesting the game, and the difference from when we initially launched the Beta to them, to now has made me extremely confident in how the game is coming along.

I've also been approached multiple times to see if there was still room on the Beta Programme, or if we'll be opening applications any time soon, and I just want to stress that we started with a select core group of testers for the pre-Demo to address things on a more personal level. I will be opening applications back up post-Demo and will be a bit more lenient with how many people are coming into the Programme. Of course, the whole goal of the Programme is to find bugs, and improve the game as a whole, so please don't expect to come into the Programme and consider it "early access".

That being said, all Beta Testers who contribute to the overall improvement of the game will be awarded our new Beta Tester Badge, which will be displayed on their Trainer Cards once we launch. There are no other added benefits to being a part of our Beta Programme.

View attachment 1326

Game FAQ
Recently, our gracious Staff Team worked together to compile a comprehensive Gameplay FAQ, of which you can also consult the Chinese and Spanish versions! More translations are in the works, like a Turkish and Italian one.

You'll be able to find various answers to frequently asked questions, and perhaps some new information that you didn't know about! Give this a good read-over to find out what to expect for PokéForce!

Please, keep in mind that this document will be constantly updated to reflect the new information and changes that will happen during the development of the game!

View attachment 1327

PokéForce Team Updates
We're happy to announce the following additions to our team:
  • @Lambo joins the team as a new Moderator, and as a liaison with our Chinese Community working alongside @MuZi
  • @Kesshoketsu has returned to the team in an Administrative capacity
  • @Fizz has transferred over to the Moderation team
  • @Lucina joins the team as a Community Guide, helping to prepare and manage events
  • @Kenoxy joins the Development team as a Sprite Artist!

Please give them a warm welcome and thank them for their relentless pursuit of helping us make PokéForce the best Pokémon MMO game yet!

Unfortunately, we've had to say goodbye to the following people:
  • @Kat has left for personal reasons
  • @Lucy has left for personal reasons
  • @Kazenco has left for personal reasons
    We wish them luck in their future endeavors!

PokéForce Summer Demo!
With all of the updates out of the way, it is with my pleasure to announce that we are confirming the Summer Demo to be happening in the month of August! There are a couple last minute things we're still working tirelessly on such as getting our Battle Engine up and running, and implementing the last bits of content we've got planned for the Demo, but we are very happy to report that we are on track for the Demo to go live this August!

We are planning to host this Demo for a total of 2 weeks which should give everyone enough time to experience everything we have to offer this time around, as well as obtain our super-secret Summer Demo Cosmetic! Similar to our Delibird Hat, you'll be able to finish all of the content in this Demo, and obtain a permanent tradable Cosmetic that will attach itself to your account and be available to you once we launch.

Once we've got the intricacies of our Battle Engine worked out, we'll be confirming the date of the Demo, as well as the Cosmetic involved, but gear up PokéForce, we are closer than ever to hosting our next Demo! The team is extremely excited for you to try this one out, as it really starts to set in stone what we plan the game to look like for launch; and gives you a taste of what we are putting together.

Sneak Peeks and Closing Remarks
The team and I just want to thank each and every one of you for your continued support through this project! It has been a dream come true for a lot of us to make this game, and we're just as excited as you are to make it a reality! Of course, it wouldn't be possible without such a lovely community, and so it's you that we're excited for the most. We hope that we can deliver on the expectations we have not only set out for ourselves but for you. <3

That's all from us this time, so please enjoy this collection of screenshots and GIFs that have been collected during Development and get ready for the best Demo that PokéForce has seen yet!

Thank you for the detailed update.
Looking forward to test the next demo in August.

Great job from the whole team (y)
Following the progression On this is epic. Glad to see we'll have a lot more things harvested, produced, and more dynamic settings than the mainline series. Seriously looking forward to it.

Keep up the good work folks o7
I'm excited to see that Super-Secret Summer Demo Cosmetic™️ when it comes out. Could it be a sun hat? Something that's themed after a Pokémon like Palossand? Regardless of whatever it is you know that I'll be ready to do the quests necessary to obtain it on both this and the Terapagos account.
This is what I like so much about the PF devs. Y'all always share every step of the journey, making us feel like part of the team. The communication is so good. I'm so glad I found out about this game (thanks to Patrouski). It looks amazing so far, and I really enjoy the sneak peeks you share on Discord. Absolute bangers. Wishing yall the best, and I'm sure it will be a huge success when it launches! Can't wait!