Spheal Team Six
Welcome to Spheal Team Six’s guild page!
Welcome to Spheal Team Six’s guild page!
Spheal Team Six is a newly formed guild within Pokeforce. The goal for this team is to foster an environment that allows for its members to grow and succeed in any ambitions they may pursue.
Spheal Team Six is looking to fill our ranks with people from all walks of life to create a diverse, welcoming, and fulfilling team.
What Spheal Team Six has to offer:
- Camaraderie and Support: Joining Spheal Team Six means gaining a network of friends and allies who will have your back and help you with whatever issues you may have. Whether you're a veteran player or a newcomer just starting out, everyone is welcome here.
- Guild Events and Activities: We will be hosting weekly/monthly/annual events for both the guild and the Pokeforce community. From PvP battle tournaments, to PvE catching contests, to trivia nights, to social parties, we aim to offer a unique experience to every member and aim to satisfy as many interests as we can.
- Knowledge Sharing: Whether you’re aiming to play the meta, break the meta, or shake the meta - Spheal Team Six has got you covered. From team building, battling advice, to shiny hunts and anything Pokemon related, we can offer valuable insight to lead you on a path to success.
- Discord - Once the game releases, we will host a Discord server for the community so we can socialize outside of game and coordinate events as a team. It will also be a place for hosting guides and other info, guild announcements, and events such as movie nights.
Requirements for joining Spheal Team Six:
- Spheal Team Six is an 18+ Guild
- Spheal Team Six is an English-speaking guild
- LGBTQ+ Friendly - No tolerance for hate
- Be able to communicate maturely and rationally
- Be active in game
If you wish to join Spheal Team Six, please fill out the following:
Years of Pokemon experience:
Years of MMO experience:
Favorite in game activities(PvP, PvE, Roleplay, etc):
*Optional - Why do you want to join ST6?:
If you wish to contact me outside of forums, I can be reached on Discord: @bongocat
Thank you for reading this and I hope to see you all in game!