Welcome to the PokéForce forums!

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Hope the game gets better and better
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It is with my, and the staff teams, greatest pleasure to welcome you to the official PokéForce forums!

First off, I hope you were able to get the username that is unique and special to you! These usernames you've registered will indeed be your in-game usernames, so I know how special these are to you all!

Moving forward, all announcements or updates regarding anything PokéForce related will be posted on the forums, so be sure to keep your eyes open on any new information! Over the course of the next few days, we'll be uploading confirmed information such as our roadmap, and a general FAQ.

I'd also like to remind everyone that you are limited to a maximum of 3 accounts until December 10th, upon which you'll be able to register as many accounts as you wish. Anyone caught in breach of this rule will have all of their accounts banned. Please be fair to everyone who isn't able to register at the same time as you!

Without further ado, let us know what you think of the new website!

Thank you,
The PokéForce Staff Team
Thank you Alycia. Looking forward to seeing more updates on the state of the game!
Glad to be here! Welcome everyone!
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Yooooo only know about this cause of Patrouski since he just now uploaded a video for it, somehow been almost a full 24 hours since and I got Leafeon, not my first go-to eeveelution (Umbreon) but I got an eeveelution!
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