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Saludos chicos y chicas! por si habra alguien que habla español puede dejar sus saludos aqui porque puede ser que sea el unico aca que sabe ingles y español. lo quieros y animanse porque pokeforcemmo viene con fuerza.
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So to confirm, we're okay to make more than 3 accounts now? I remember seeing that a class system was planned and that classes were mutually exclusive. Any info on approximately how many are planned?
Very excited too be updated on the progress regarding the server's development!
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I know the game isn't up till the 22nd, but is it normal for the usrename on the game to now allow you to put more than 12 characters? also is my account name for the forums different than the games? if so where do I registter for the in game name? Thank you :)
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