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  1. Maid Lulia

    Resolved Eon Ticket

    Done! Locking the thread. ^^
  2. Maid Lulia

    Happy birthday, Queen! (Real) (Expert Opinion) :umbrecelebrate: 💕 🥺

    Happy birthday, Queen! (Real) (Expert Opinion) :umbrecelebrate: 💕 🥺
  3. Maid Lulia

    Lucinda (Luci + linda!) 😊💕

    Lucinda (Luci + linda!) 😊💕
  4. Maid Lulia

    Agreed! Very cute ^^

    Agreed! Very cute ^^
  5. Maid Lulia

    Hello Everyone!

    Hi Purrserker, welcome to PokéForce! I agree, Litten deserves to be in the game! Love your profile picture and banner by the way, they're absolutely adorable. ^^ Enjoy your stay!
  6. Maid Lulia

    Day / Night Cycle Length

    Hello, PokéForce community! We'd like your input on how you'd like us to implement the day and night cycle in the world of Pokéforce. Let us know by voting and discussing below!
  7. Maid Lulia

    Hi, what do you need help with?

    Hi, what do you need help with?
  8. Maid Lulia

    Gasp, an Emma ghost! So cute!!! 💕

    Gasp, an Emma ghost! So cute!!! 💕
  9. Maid Lulia

    Tedinator is here!

    Hi Teddy, welcome to PokéForce!!! I had the pleasure to talk to you on the discord server, hope to see you around more! Your wholesome presence is always appreciated!
  10. Maid Lulia

    New Year, New Event - Blitzle's Bingo Blitz

    First of all, thanks to all the CG team for making this event, I had a blast! Here's my completed bingo card, hopefully everything is correct... fingers crossed!! Questions Q: Name the top #1 winner of the "Cosmetic Creation Contest" A: Eva! Q: Name the person who came 2nd in the "First...
  11. Maid Lulia

    Maid with love!

    Hehe, thank you Lean! And thank you for pats!! 😊
  12. Maid Lulia


    Wow I also studied telecommunications in high school! and being a metereologist sounds epic! Long live 3rd gen, and welcome!!! 💕
  13. Maid Lulia

    Maid with love!

    Hi Emma!! Epic, you are now officially italian! *hugs*
  14. Maid Lulia

    Maid with love!

    Hi everyone! 💕 I'm Daniela Julia, but people usually call me Dani or Lulu! I'm a 28 years old italian girl with an interest in videogames and all things nerdy since I was a little kid! I first started playing on MS-DOS with my dad and big brother, among the earliest games I remember enjoying...
  15. Maid Lulia

    Happy birthday Honey! 💕

    Happy birthday Honey! 💕
  16. Maid Lulia

    Counting to 1000

  17. Maid Lulia

    Male or female

    In MMOs and games where you create custom characters, I always go for female because I see them in a more personal way and as an extention of myself (or even an idealized version in some ways!) and it's much easier for me to identify with them that way. In games where roleplaying is central the...
  18. Maid Lulia

    Counting to 1000

  19. Maid Lulia

    That's amazing, I need it in-game! 💕

    That's amazing, I need it in-game! 💕
  20. Maid Lulia

    Pokmon - Guess who I am?

    GOOD JOB!!!