Hii, I got a question for everyone!
How was your first experience with the Pokémon franchise like? Was it directly through the games or did you watch the anime first? Did you immediately like the games or did it take some time for them to warmp up to you?
My story: I think for me, I started with the anime. I remember being a kid, watching my aunt's TV when the first opening came up, and it instantly grabbed my attention. I remember I at first became obsessed with the "turtle that has cannons on its back" (Blastoise). Despite this, I didn't get many chances to watch it due to it being branded as "inappropriate" for children by my parents for some reason.
So I really got into it during elementary school when one of my friends brought his GBC to school with a Pokémon Silver cartridge, which he'd let us play. Before I knew it, almost my entire class was into Pokémon
What about you?
Art by Chelsea Stingel

How was your first experience with the Pokémon franchise like? Was it directly through the games or did you watch the anime first? Did you immediately like the games or did it take some time for them to warmp up to you?
My story: I think for me, I started with the anime. I remember being a kid, watching my aunt's TV when the first opening came up, and it instantly grabbed my attention. I remember I at first became obsessed with the "turtle that has cannons on its back" (Blastoise). Despite this, I didn't get many chances to watch it due to it being branded as "inappropriate" for children by my parents for some reason.
So I really got into it during elementary school when one of my friends brought his GBC to school with a Pokémon Silver cartridge, which he'd let us play. Before I knew it, almost my entire class was into Pokémon
What about you?
Art by Chelsea Stingel