PokéForce State Of The Game: Quarter 2

Loving the music shown sofar, hoping for a system where we can listen to them anywhere in the game if possible, like a jukebox, as it would be a shame to lock such work behind sections of the map.
Not confirming or denying anything here, but on the Discord server someone suggested for music tracks to be part of the unlockables of the game, a suggestion that it seemed was very well received by the design team so, fingers crossed! :)
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Come on, everyone, we look forward and thank you for your contributions
你好,PokéForce 社区!

欢迎来到我们的第 2 季度游戏状态,我们将在这里讨论一些令人兴奋的事情!我们想展示我们过渡到 Godot 的进展,我们的地图、音乐等的一些先睹为快。我们知道您有很多亟待解决的问题,所以让我们先解决这些问题。

你们还在制作 PokéForce 吗?​

是的!我们可以确认我们仍在制作 PokéForce。自 2 月中旬上次宣布以来,开发一直没有停止。我们知道你们到目前为止都非常有耐心,我们首先要说的是,总的来说,进展是好的。质量是我们目前的目标,随着项目的老化,这一点只会变得越来越重要。


PokéForce 技术更新​

在上一次公告中,我们展示了一些简单的机制,例如移动和聊天框。从那时起,@Rebecca 继续在 Godot 客户端上引领潮流,并实现了更多功能,例如网络和多人游戏。这些是将客户端与服务器连接起来的重要元素,它有助于我们继续进行内容开发。

Godot 的一些好处已经实现, 包括我们的 UI 开发.到目前为止,我们利用的一个巨大好处是开箱即用的控制器支持,这使我们能够在开发用户体验时牢记这一点。一个很好的例子是我们的库存系统大修,现在它能够与鼠标滚轮或控制器上的触发按钮进行交互,而不是您的行李是一个静态条。



总的来说, Godot 中的 UI 开发比我们的 LibGDX 对应物更有趣、更有效.我们很高兴能在这方面与 Godot 一起继续前进!


看一下开发 GUI。

值得注意的 PokéForce 团队更新​


  • @Bee 重新加入 PokéForce 开发团队,回到程序员的岗位!
    • Bee 通过与 @Triston 合作开发我们的战斗引擎,协助我们的 Godot 过渡,并为我们的团队提供他的专业知识,从而接过了衣钵。
  • @Vizaryll 晋升为项目协调员!
    • 项目协调员角色的创建是为了确保团队之间的沟通、任务的有效分配以及截止日期的管理,以促进个人问责制。
  • @Lin 加入设计团队,担任我们内部的 PvP 协调员。
    • PvP协调员角色的设立是为了弥合PvP社区和开发团队之间的差距。

  • @Kesshoketsu (Manager) - 个人调度原因。

  • @Eva (Sprite Artist) - 个人日程安排原因。

其他 PokéForce 内容​





<源 src=“https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1234160366313934879/1234160382420193330/new_bark_town_official_-_2024-01-04_6.35_PM.mp3?ex=662fb8ec&is=662e676c&hm=65b378477713ad67091dc368656144237faaab82af6811a598491a3e51efc084&” type=“audio/mpeg”>


<源 src=“https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1234160366313934879/1234160383221305424/Route_29_-_Pokeforce_OST_-_Tater.mp3?ex=662fb8ec&is=662e676c&hm=a3a93123737cfc713e3f9d40a4c88575c6eea58f65bb59b25f2dc56df0bbdff0&” type=“audio/mpeg”>


<源 src=“https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1234160366313934879/1234160382881304628/Cherrygrove_-_Pokeforce_OST_-_Tater.mp3?ex=662fb8ec&is=662e676c&hm=8c9dc2a406040028f122cf3da861f02d27d0f56e7b033cd029caf97c8fb73a4e&” type=“audio/mpeg”>


<源 src=“https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1234160366313934879/1234160382055026750/Route_31_day.mp3?ex=662fb8ec&is=662e676c&hm=80bffb9f081473a16c5525524ba978b5b20cfeffb7a1f874e460146a25b66b70&” type=“audio/mpeg”>



此外,我们还计划开发一个名为“工作委员会”的内容子系统。这包括您可以在游戏过程中完成的较短长度的任务/目标。@Vizaryll@Kildaru 在大致的某个地方写了 100-150 个不同的任务来填充这个板。




关于我们都知道的某家公司最近采取的行动,我们不会去任何地方。我们正在密切关注该公司的情况,我们觉得现阶段没有什么可担心的。只是为了让每个人都清楚:PokéForce 不会去任何地方;它将被释放,这将是史诗般的!

团队 PokéForce
Why cant i see any pictures or listen to the soundtracks? is it on my end?
Looking forward to the game :) cant wait
Hello developer, I am a Chinese player and we have a lot of fans of Pokemon games here. There are many players who have been mistakenly banned by Pokemmo, so we really hope to have localization. Thank you again for the development of the Pokefporc team. I hope to join this game as soon as possible. Finally, I have some suggestions for the game. If there is a fashion mount system, we hope to have the same style as the original version, which will provide a more immersive experience
I'm eagerly awaiting the game.

T O P !!!
I just came across this project. This looks AMAZING! My wife and I just started playing Pokemon Revolution Online a few months ago and just beat Kanto. Hopefully Pokeforce will be releasing around the time we finish that. Super excited!!

I apologize if it's already been asked, however is there a plan to add a market place for pokemon to easily be traded?(similar to PokeMMO) Or will it rely on player to player trading a similar to Pokemon Revolution Online. OR will it be something entirely different?
I just came across this project. This looks AMAZING! My wife and I just started playing Pokemon Revolution Online a few months ago and just beat Kanto. Hopefully Pokeforce will be releasing around the time we finish that. Super excited!!

I apologize if it's already been asked, however is there a plan to add a market place for pokemon to easily be traded?(similar to PokeMMO) Or will it rely on player to player trading a similar to Pokemon Revolution Online. OR will it be something entirely different?
Hello, happy to have you here!
Yes, the game will feature a GTL system for global trade between players, aka a Market Place of sorts, however at the moment there are no details on the specifics of how it will work/limitations it may have :)
could you make some of those songs from donna song maker app
Man, I can't wait still.. But I will.. I hope the final version of this game will be good