Since I'm posting all my shinies from now on, I'll just continue to edit this post for the rest of the summer demo.
To begin with, another two shinies to my collection! Munchlax and Houndour.


Today I caught a shiny Cyndaquil!

Shiny Growlithe and Snubbull captured.


Another shiny Houndour and two more Snubbulls caught.
And another shiny Houndour... lmao. I will get you Riolu.
And another shiny Growlithe. This one was way over odds. Also two more Snubbulls.
Oooh, another way over odds shiny Houndour to my box. The more the merrier.
Probably my final demo shiny, another Growlithe! Not a bad way to end off. Spoiler this actually won't be my last shiny lmao.
To summarise, this is my collection of demo shinies from my first to last! (Ignore the Shaymins at the bottom).

This makes my total number of summer demo shinies 18! 19 in fact. I'll give my final shiny a separate post since I got her on the last day!
To begin with, another two shinies to my collection! Munchlax and Houndour.


Today I caught a shiny Cyndaquil!

Shiny Growlithe and Snubbull captured.


Another shiny Houndour and two more Snubbulls caught.
And another shiny Houndour... lmao. I will get you Riolu.
And another shiny Growlithe. This one was way over odds. Also two more Snubbulls.
Oooh, another way over odds shiny Houndour to my box. The more the merrier.
Probably my final demo shiny, another Growlithe! Not a bad way to end off. Spoiler this actually won't be my last shiny lmao.
To summarise, this is my collection of demo shinies from my first to last! (Ignore the Shaymins at the bottom).

This makes my total number of summer demo shinies 18! 19 in fact. I'll give my final shiny a separate post since I got her on the last day!
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