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  1. Dizzi

    Tedinator is here!

    Welcome, we're so happy to have you here! I've played one of those MMOs for quite a while in the past. I'm super hyped for this one. What kind of Android games? I bet your girls will love em!
  2. Dizzi

    Hello PokeForce

    Welcome, Byron! Now that you're here, you can Beebe escape.... DA MINES!! 🪨 ⛏️ My favorite gym leader is actually Valerie! Fairy types are my favorite and I love her design 🧚‍♀️
  3. Dizzi

    What is your favorite legendary?

    Honestly, Xerneas (shiny Xerneas being my favorite) is my favorite. The first fairy type legendary (as that is when the type came out) and I really love its design!! It's so pretty and delicate and awesome. Favorite mythical is Celebi.
  4. Dizzi

    What up Pokéforce Community

    Oh my goodness, what a darling cat! Welcome, we're so happy to have you with us c: I'm not a PvP person myself, but I love EV training and Level training, as well as shiny hunting! I'm a collector 🩷
  5. Dizzi

    oh deer

    Welcome, deer my favorite pokemon type is fairy, though I'm quarto a huge fan of ice and steel 🩷 my favorite pokemon is Alolan Vulpix!
  6. Dizzi

    yo sup guys!

    Welcome on in, new friend! c: we hope you have a wonderful time and make lots of new friends!
  7. Dizzi

    Hello, nice to meet you :)

    Hello and welcome! If it's any consolation, I'm heading to 30 too, I'm 28 😆 we appreciate you checking us out and really hope you find your time enjoyable!
  8. Dizzi

    Rare user check

    Does my name count? 🤔
  9. Dizzi

    Type Continuity

  10. Dizzi

    First Word That Comes To Your Mind?

  11. Dizzi

    Counting to 1000

  12. Dizzi


    Welcome to PokeForce! We're glad to have you here c:
  13. Dizzi


    Welcome to the game, Chief! Happy to have you here ❤️
  14. Dizzi


    Hello and welcome! We're so happy to have you here. I hope you enjoy your time!