Recent content by Jack

  1. Jack

    Money Making Guide - PokeForce Summer Demo

    Note on Battling: All NPC trainers have their own base reward amounts, based on the NPC trainer class and difficulty. This base amount is multiplied by your Trainer Rank, to produce the final reward amount. That is why players are seeing NPCs pay out more as their Trainer Rank increases.
  2. Jack

    Will roms be required for the game

    Hello! If you refer to our FAQ, you’ll find the answer to your question. :)
  3. Jack

    PokéForce State Of The Game: Quarter 2

    Hello! Yes, we plan to have the game available in multiple languages. We cannot guarantee that more languages than English will be available on release, as that is the main language the game is being built for, but there is absolutely an ambition to have the game be available to play in multiple...
  4. Jack

    Day / Night Cycle Length

    All, Please note, suggestions that don't easily conform to a 24-hour real world day are likely to be dismissed. Probably for reasons that I am unable to discuss. Effectively, your suggestions should be able to fit into 1 real world day, such as: 2hr morning, 4hr day, 2hr night Which is 8...
  5. Jack

    Hi Pat, it's ExG_iOceanZ, from your Twitch stream. (:

    Hi Pat, it's ExG_iOceanZ, from your Twitch stream. (:
  6. Jack

    Tag! You're it! Blame @Cpt.Lavender. (And please don't ban me.)

    Tag! You're it! Blame @Cpt.Lavender. (And please don't ban me.)
  7. Jack


    Wide range does not equal all. If you want to own Legendaries, then PokeForce isn’t for you. If your entire decision-making process about whether or not to play this game boils down to “But can I own Legendaries though?” then I suggest you go play Sword and Shield. This design decision is...
  8. Jack

    Resolved About Account/IGN Trading and Info

    If you lose your name, it's because you've been inactive for a significant amount of time. Do you deserve to keep the name if you've been inactive for so long? Why shouldn't someone else who might also appreciate having that name be given the opportunity to use it?
  9. Jack

    More info concerning classes.

    Yes and no. You will not be given an entire understanding of what each Class does, because that would ruin the exploration phase of the MMO. You will however be given a basic rundown of each Class and what you can begin to expect from the gameplay involved. You will be able to do almost any...
  10. Jack

    With the PokeForce Roadmap given, What features are you most excited to see? Anything you dont see that you would like too?

    I'm personally super excited for Leaderboards, Achievements, and Titles. I'd love to see the community grinding to fight their way to the number one slot on various different Leaderboards. Some of the Leaderboards I can foresee: Number of Shinies encountered/caught Number of Pokemon...
  11. Jack

    WTB OT Lance Shiny Dratini. How much?

    WTB OT Lance Shiny Dratini. How much?
  12. Jack

    All things PVP, electric boogaloo

    This thread is rapidly derailing into one about Legendary Pokemon, rather than the PvP discussion it's meant to be. Legendary Pokemon will not be available for competitive PvP. That is a design decision that has been taken by the design team because it fits into the world we're building and...
  13. Jack

    All things PVP, electric boogaloo

    If it was intransigence, I would not be having open communication about this topic. But thank you for teaching me a new word today. Perhaps we need to read my post again and understand this comes from a mixture of reasoning, not just lore/world-building. The Legendary Dungeon mechanic being the...
  14. Jack

    All things PVP, electric boogaloo

    We will be valuing a Mespirit and Mewtwo equally because all Legendary Pokemon will be truly Legendary in PokeForce. The mechanics behind the ownership of the Legendary in the King-of-the-Hill feature will likely involve an extra party slot, rather than forcing the player to sacrifice one of...
  15. Jack

    All things PVP, electric boogaloo

    It's a lore/PvE decision that we have taken to ensure appropriate variety in end-game content. This decision was made fairly early on in the design process and would be almost impossible to change without redesigning the entire campaign from the ground up; as well as changing some core...